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cdon3822's picture
Best play on wet/heavy/dynamic paired board with TPGK vs c/r NAI?

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players


Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter

SB Hero 380  
BB shiraokei 620  

Effective Stacks: 19bb

Blinds 10/20

Pre-Flop (30, 2 players)

Hero is SB


Hero raises to 40, shiraokei calls 20

Flop (80, 2 players)


shiraokei checks, Hero bets 40, shiraokei raises to 120, Hero goes all-in 340, shiraokei calls 220

Turn (760, 2 players, 1 all-in)


River (760, 2 players, 1 all-in)


Final Pot: 760

Hero shows two pair, Queens and Jacks


shiraokei shows three of a kind, Jacks


shiraokei wins 760 ( won +380 )

Hero lost -380

lindridgeben's picture
nothing you can do there,

nothing you can do there, with flush and straight draws in there check-raise range you just got a nasty flop, you did not make a mistake 

3onthego's picture
As soon as he XR 3x your cbet

As soon as he XR 3x your cbet you know he has a jack and is protecting vs draws without shoving and scaring away the value. If you call and the turn connects he can still get away from it. If he had a q as well we expect him to just call and see. If he has the draw we expect him to either call or XR shove. So he most likely has trips. 

cdon3822's picture
My thinking at time

At the time I was thinking his range was something like:

  • Jx
  • Qx
  • semi-bluffed draws

There are the same number of Q & J unaccounted for, except he probably has more Qx in his OOP flatting range than Jx.
+ I had a blocker to straight draws with my K.
I figured I most likely had Qx dominated or was drawing almost dead vs Jx. 
BUT his NAI c/r (rather than c/r jamming) felt so nutty.
It felt really gross...
When I cbet the flop I had 15.0 BB left behind and 12% equity in the hand.
I suspect it would not be a large error to fold vs these super nutty lines on boards where villains tend to play fit or fold compared to making large errors getting all in as a massive dog ...

3onthego's picture
Sometimes it is best to just

Sometimes it is best to just fold as soon as you suspect you are behind especially as you are unlikely to improve. The times you fold when you are behind will outweigh the times that you are ahead. These decisions are so complicated and involve so many variables that it is no wonder I can't play my a-game for very long before getting tired and sloppy. I think as a rule we are playing our best when we have a plan on how to react to all his possible reactions to our bet before we do so. If we are playing like this then (i) we shouldn't face any difficult decisions & (ii) we are maximising the usefulness of our value bets as apart from extracting value when we are ahead they also should be asking the question: "are we actually behind?". 
So when we cbet we usually expect him to fold which leaves us with nothing to interpret except that his Xfold% increases a bit. But if he xc what does it mean and if he XR what does this mean? And furthermore if he XR nai what does this mean. And our answers to these questions will depend on his short term behaviour as part of the current game flow and in the context of his long term frequencies post flop oop. 
If we are playing well we will have a sense of the answers to these questions before we bet. My general rule is that if his bet makes me feel  uncomfortable then just fold. For example say he has just XR the last 2 hands in a row when you cbet and you folded because this is unusual for him and you expect him to have the goods and then this hand came along. If I was him I would be tempted to XR shove because I would sense that you would be getting frustrated and XR shoving looks bluffy as trips would not want to scare a queen away. So if he did do this in this context I would be worried. Much more worried than if he hadn't XR for ages and then XR shoved as it suggests he has a draw plus the feeling that your cbet contains some air. And about as worried as if he nai XR having not XR or a while which is most likely what happened in this hand. 
We can't just say that you had a hand & he had a hand and money is always going in the middle otherwise we are just playing an elaborate form of snap. 

Spike's picture
I really really really need

I really really really need reads to fold this kind of hand at the flop to anything imaginable that can happen.

Indeed it hurts facing a better hand but there are already countless J gone preflop
like J2o J3o J4o
maybe J5o maybe J6o
maybe J2s J3s in 3bnonAI range
maybe KJ QJs in 3bnonAI range

There are more then enough Q's and flush draws and street draws and complete air present in the x/R range to simply not care when you do not have solid reads