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cute_babe92's picture
Stats in HU Hypers


are there some general examples for optimal stats that perform very well against the population tendencies on HU Hypers and exploit these as far as possible (for limits right up to the 30s)?

The more stat examples there are the more it would help - also non-standard stats would be interesting, for example where you can see if you fold on too many rivers or if you are triple barreling with a too high/low frequence.

Thanks in advance and best regards

cute_babe92's picture
No idea anyone? I think it

No idea anyone? I think it would be a good roughe guide for finding leaks in your game. 

cdon3822's picture
Asking a question like this

Asking a question like this is a bit like having an audience with Roger Federer and asking him "so how often do you need to serve out wide to win tennis matches against players up to the top 1000 ranked in the world?" 
He will probably look at you a bit puzzled and politely reply "there's a bit more to it than that :) "
Each opponent you play will have particular imbalanced frequencies or behavioural tendencies which you can exploit. 
Fundamentally solid poker is about working out what these are and then maximally exploiting them. 
I guess what you're asking is what are some typical tendencies of the population which can be exploited?
Let me kick this off with one I'm sure most people are familiar with: 
- the population does not 3b bluff enough and gives up too much vs cbets in single raised pots out of position => exploit this by opening a wide range in position and cbetting frequently
People have written entire books on such topics as optimal frequencies and only covered a small subset of possible decision trees which the game allows for. A population tendency of people who participate on forums is that they tend to ignore questions which are overly broad. Maybe try providing some more focus to your query to induce some knowledge spew? 

RyPac13's picture
It's hard to give overall

It's hard to give overall stats because you really should be focused on exploiting what individual opponents are doing (so, reading their stats, taking into account what hands they had when they made those actions and formulating an effective strategy to exploit them).
As far as readless/short on reads strategy, it's a very deep topic that is too difficult to get into on a forum post. For example, HokieGreg dedicated most of his hyper turbo class to population tendencies, using experience and a lot of data from mid stakes students of his to come up with readless ranges and strategies. zZzTILT/phl500 Crushing Hyper Turbos Pack as well as Chadders Hyper Turbo Pack also have readless play sections. It's usually time consuming and not necessarily easy to come up with solid ranges to use against your default group of opponents (Hokie's pack in particular goes into what it takes to build your own strategies against the opponents you face).