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pokkeriprod's picture
Ranka's Free PT4 HUD

You can download the HUD here.


1. Green stats are for current stack depth

2. Green/Blue stats for extremes (too low/too high frequency)

3. Clicking on effective stack (BB-s), you get a popup with NASH PUSHER, NASH CALLER and S-C (Sklansky-Chubukov)

4. Clicking on stats, you get popup by streets


  • ATS: Attempt to Steal WITH MINRAISE
  • FST: Fold to Steal VS OPENMINRAISE
  • 3BT: 3BET only in the BB
  • L/F: Limp Fold Button
  • R/L: Raises your Limp in BB
  • FCB: Fold to Cbet in NON 3BET POT
  • CRF: Check-raise flop
  • HND: Hands

Screen Shots

Free Ranka Pokkeriprod HUD

Free HU Poker HUD Picture

72o's picture

Many Thanks for sharing this, dude.
Will definitely try this out.
Thanks Again.

pokkeriprod's picture
you are welcome

you are welcome

Herbamix's picture
I want to thank you too. I'm

I want to thank you too. I'm using the coffee HUD lite at the moment, but your HUD seems very interesting.