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Tavbi's picture
fresh start hypers, few questions

Hey guys, after being on break poker for a year or two (just played a tournament here or there) i decided to start playing again and i have quite some questions.

I was loosing (ev breakeven) player in husngs, i ran 80BI under EV and unexperienced as i was i started playing even more badly and never grinded the variance out (altough i had quite some succeses in HUMTTs). Now i decided i'd give hypers a shot, since i really like playing them :)

1.Which site to play on?  Before BF i was playing on FTP and after on PS. What is situation with FTP now? I saw there are not much people online compared to pokerstars. One thing i don't like bout pokerstars is that  there is basically zero RB for microstakes player and there are no HUSNG promotions,  is it more profitable to play on FTP because of that(RB and leaderboards)? Also there are cartels on pokerstars which make it quite hard to move up (but shouldn't worry about that now, also saw they just introduced fairer system)

2.Which softawere to get? I used to have HEM1 but had quite some problems with it, which is best tracking software for husng now? i remember reading something that HEM2 or PT4 (don't remember which one) does not display EV correctly.

3.Which HUD to use? Since coffeyays hud is pretty much overpriced for microstakes player, which HUD from the free ones you think is the best?

4.Which stakes to start playing on?  Lets take pokerstars for example, would id be better to play 1,5$ with good BR (cca 100bi) or play 3,5$ slightly underrolled, since the rake is a bit smaller?


If anyone is kind enough to answer these, i thank you in advance :D




Igor9669's picture
Hi! 1. Well it depends on how


1. Well it depends on how many hours u spend on poker. If u can afford to play 6-8 hours a day then FTP with their leaderboard should be u choice. If not then PS.

2. I like PT4.

3. Only Effective Stack should be enough to beat micro level, even low level.

4. If u feel that u are good hu player than try to begin from 3.5$, if u loose 15Bi then move down.


Tavbi's picture
Hey, i was at home for the

Hey, i was at home for the weekend and i played some HUMTT for fun, was pretty lucky :)

$10.50 NL Hold'em [Heads-up, Turbo, Super-Knockout] --> 2/160 for 160$ + 35$ bounty
$10.50 NL Hold'em [Heads-up, Turbo, Super-Knockout] ​--> 1/256 for 384$ + 45$ bounty 

Thanks igor for your response!
I decided to play on stars since i wont be playing much next month (have very busy June in college)

Now i have enough bankroll to play 7s, but will start on 3,5$ to see where i stand in hypers :)

Also i have another question
I was thinking of buying Sentins hyper turbo pack, since it have nice buyin structure videos (starting from micros like i am now). Would you say it is better for begginers than chadders pack? (i've watched chadders allready)


Igor9669's picture
That's cool, congrats! I also

That's cool, congrats! I also like that kind of tournaments.


To be honest I haven't watched it, but if u like an agressive approach to the game and have a free money for it then yes, why not))

Tavbi's picture
Can anyone help me set up

Can anyone help me set up PT4 graphs correctly? I was playing around and saw if i have graphs set to tournaments/buy-in the EV line is different than when i have tournament / prize(money), even tough all the tournaments are the same buy in, so the graph should be identical i guess?

Also which settings to use to see corect showdown / non showdown line?