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ImFreshYouAreNot's picture
Who is Kramer45 on stars?! And how does he do it !?!?

This guy has 22.9 % roi and isnt playing the 4max hu games, ye he plays the regular speed aswell but he has over 30 % in those and over 20 % in the turbos.

How is that possible? 

adam25185's picture
Average stake $13.46. But I

Average stake $13.46.

But I agree with you, that's a very high ROI for any stakes.

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
i just checked his

i just checked his sharkscope.


his biggest sample is in 15$ turbo. still, he only has just 2000 games. 22% ROI means, he´s winning about 64% of his matches. i don´t mean to devalue his achievements, but if you have a small sample combined with skillful play and good game selection, such a winrate is within the realm of possibility.





ImFreshYouAreNot's picture
What I'm curious is how he

What I'm curious is how he plays to do that? For the non turbos i can see a way but in turbos just don't have a clue what kind of style he should have to e able to sustain 20%. He plays 15$ and I am currently playing the same stakes and the field isn't that soft because of the MTT and SNG regs play for fun 15s and dont table select. So you cant really be playing only fish.'

So there stands the question - is it possible to sustain 20 % ROI even if its only fish that we play?!

ImFreshYouAreNot's picture
His biggest sample is non

His biggest sample is non turbos and its 5k games and he has 22.7  for this sample

RyPac13's picture
Looks like a very good small

Looks like a very good small stakes player that should move up a few levels!

But, given his ROI in turbos is the same as regular speeds, and his turbo speed sample is far smaller (probably has played 15-20% of the time in turbos compared to reg speeds), I would imagine if he has an EV graph handy, it would show that he's ran above EV in turbos (possibly just below EV in regular speeds, but given the high ROIs in both, it's more likely he's ran good in turbos).

I don't see anything suspicious. He hasn't won a ton of money from any single player at all and his stats are unlocked. Those two things are usually not that way if someone is cheating.

Also, I don't think he's doing any super game selection. He may decline decent players, but he's certainly not waiting around for games (look at his recent tournaments played, that doesn't show huge gaps between game times, which would've indicated that he is game selecting).

adam25185's picture
I don't see anything

I don't see anything suspicious. He hasn't won a ton of money from any single player at all and his stats are unlocked. Those two things are usually not that way if someone is cheating.

Cheating? I didn't think it was possible to cheat in HUSNG? If you can tell me how, I'd really love to know!


it1111's picture
Chip dumping is possible. For

Chip dumping is possible. For example you have a friend who opens a new account, makes a deposit and plays 20-30 sngs against you. He loses all of them. Then he contacts his bank and says that his credit card was stolen and requests a chargeback. Bank gives him his money back, and you withdraw your winnings... You have to be very quick to withdraw the money before PS blocks your account...

I would not suggest doing this because you and your friend will have a lifetime ban on Pokerstars if you do this, but it happens all the time... some people will do anything for $500 or $1000... it is likely they use someone else identities (parents, grandparents, cousins or friends who are not interested in poker...) so they can do it multiple times...

I don't think that this guy, Kramer,  is doing this, his account would be banned long time ago... Few years ago when regular speed where more popular there where many players having 15%, 20% ROI even at stakes much higher than his average stake, so it should be possible at $15...

"If you want to win, you must not lose!"

Barrin's picture
Ryan probably was talking

Ryan probably was talking about hh and note sharing rather than cc abuse (lol).



RyPac13's picture
No, HH and note sharing

No, HH and note sharing wouldn't likely result in such an edge. It's the $15s, and this guy has played his most frequent opponent like 30 times anyways, but that's not a common way I hear of people gaining some huge edge (perhaps at higher stakes it could theoretically be, but honestly, just studying your own HHs is going to result in the same type of thing as studying someone else's, both require a ton of time and one is within the rules).

I meant chip dumping, I've seen huge ROIs in the past where it was obvious it was chip dumping, when they have 40 games vs a guy and they've won 40 buyins. But this Kramer guy has nothing obvious like that.

Another thing I meant to look for with cheating, was finding players that are disconnected and sitting their lobbies. At the $15s, it's impossible to really target this. At high stakes, it is possible. That's not a huge concern for Kramer, he plays too low to target people that are dced (you get a game so fast that if you're sitting a lobby in $15s and you're dced, someone will sit you fast and people can't target you really).

One thing that could be possible for players is that old skype exploit (the force disconnection). But again, it would be likely that Kramer would have a lot of profit vs a smaller % of opponents, and that just isn't the case.

So my conclusion was (and still is), that the guy is just a solid player.

ImFreshYouAreNot's picture
That was my point exactly!

That was my point exactly! The idea of the topic was that apparently this guy has a pretty good game. Haven't seen anyone else with results like that. Never the less the smaller stakes and the small sample IMO its still pretty impressive.

The main question what kind of game style and strategy can lead to that. Again the fact he is playing 15s is not so important IMO just because fish is fish in most levels. So i believe the idea of 20 % + ROI is worth exploring! Is it possible and how exactly?! 

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
... fish is fish in most

... fish is fish in most levels.


no, that´s not true. the micro fish are worse than low stakes fish. for example one kind of fish you will encounter a lot at 1,50$ but not so much at 15$ is the kind of aggro monkey fish that is pushing all in with hands like 98s for 50 BB. also there are less weak passive fish at the 15$ level who have transparent bet sizes for example. also 15$ fish usually have some idea about the game. some even know what a range is, what a perceived range is and that they can´t rep an AAK board when they limped. there are tons of other examples.


a typical 60$ fish would actually be a weak reg or recreational player at his limit and he would crush a 1,50$ fish any day of the week.





ImFreshYouAreNot's picture
I meant like 15 dollar levels

I meant like 15 dollar levels and up...

it1111's picture
The main question what kind

The main question what kind of game style and strategy can lead to that. Again the fact he is playing 15s is not so important IMO just because fish is fish in most levels. So i believe the idea of 20 % + ROI is worth exploring! Is it possible and how exactly?! 

If you have Standard Video Pack check the videos of this guy: Brilliant27. His videos are very old, but If I remember correctly, he was playing a low variance strategy with high ROI. His matches lasted very long, 30 min+ and his hourly was low, but if you care only about high ROI his strategy could give you some insights... 

I cant find his graph and stats here on the site any longer, if ryan can find them it would be nice to see his ROI. I believe he had something about 20% ROI or something like that...


"If you want to win, you must not lose!"

FlyingMachine's picture
Occam's razor: He is playing

Occam's razor: He is playing good and running above EV with 100+ BI.

jlt84's picture
the kid is good, smalish

the kid is good, smalish sample but 20% roi for 15$ turbos nowadays is an anchievement :D