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Baetis X's picture



Does anyone know who this guy is? I was just looking at the $500 on PokerStars and saw him there, nobody has sat him on the last half hour. I'm only curious as he is a fellow Irishman.


pocaja's picture
He is a hyper turbo

He is a hyper turbo professional player, he is italian and has moved to Ireland after Black Friday.

I think he has been considered from the beginning of hypers format one of the best players @ 200-300 $ and recently he has moved up to 500 $ games.

Happy Harvest's picture

+100000 for interview with rams85 (who likes regwarring more ?) 

Baetis X's picture
Thanks for the reply fellas.

Thanks for the reply fellas. Didn't think he was Irish tbh just like Jossel2008, just living here. Are there any Irish guys that are pro hyper players as a matter of interest?