opponent 85 hands
cal OR 22 3Bet 13,3
Raise Limp 44
1) effettive stack 13BB blind 30/60 I have K3o (I limp but I think push is the best)
2) effettive stack 13BB blind 30/60 I have 98o (I limp because 98o hits very well)
3) effettive stack 15BB blind 30/60 I have A4o (I raise/fold because A4o dosen't hits very well )
VS this opponent
Whick is my range of limp, raise and push? 15BB-
I think limp monster and medium hand, I raise trash hands and I push baby A, baby K,
If your opponent is only playing 35% out of position you can just exploit him by minraise folding all trash hands and limpshoving your bigger hands until he adjusts his tendencies.
Agree with Arron :)