TILTMENOT made the most this week with $19,492 profit. His average buy-in was just over $1,109!
***Arturs ''IKSecret'' Kurnajevs made the 2nd most, with $15,560 profit.
the 1rake1 made the 3rd, with $15,217 profit.
Other profit totals
huang33 $14,489
AceSpades11 $14,118
v2the3 $12,383
madonken13 $9,704
OtB_RedBaron $9,370
majcy $9,314
Auca32 $8,615
simpledude16 $7,986
TheDonOnSwan $7,397
rams85 $6,967
Serk $6,859
*gillboyg $6,690
*BarniexEdd $5,788
Rockets992 $5,662
EL TORO XXX $4,479
Ben86 $4,347
anthonyff $4,346
Tinas21 $4,303
Ziroto $4,247
allinrusty $3,998
Samar4eg $3,983
*franSir $3,856
skyhand00 $3,620
razvanel1987 $3,394
samesameohhh $3,242
allen i323 $3,226
G.Escobar88 $3,091
ptheadsup $2,893
pita1 $2,442
salmor $2,393
7Al7eX7 $2,246
roninio1 $2,211
kenies $2,169
n1fan $2,119
Danpid76 $2,053
Naglithor $2,027
You'll notice this week's results are a little different. We have changed the way we do these results.
We will no longer show losing results, we will only show players that made over $2,000 in a week (with an average buyin of $200 or above).
We've also expanded results to include all the major poker rooms.
We will not show any yearly profit results from any players not opted into the major tracking sites. We will show 7 day results for all players, no exceptions.