Over 4 Hours of Structured Hyper Turbo Video Content
Update: Now Available For Purchase
December 5th, 2011 - Richard "Chadders0" Chadwick's hyper turbo video series will go on sale in the next 24 hours. The youtube video below explains the details of the package.
The video pack contains 10 videos and over 4 hours of content, with sections such as The First Hand, Pokertracker 3, Getting Shallow, The 3-bet Game and The Art of Barreling.
The price of the video package is $150, with a special $50 discount to premium members of HUSNG.com.
Chadders0 is a mid stakes hyper turbo professional with a consistent 4 table winning sample of over 12,000 games at the $60 hyper turbo level.
Nice work man.First pack sold! :)
Nice to hear, if anyone has any questions about the pack or content feel free to ask and i'll get to them asap
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how I can bye it ?
will go on sale at some point in the next 24 hours
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Hi chadders,a couple of questions:1) i'm really curious about the pokertracker3 part, can you give me some more details about the analisys included in the pack?2) what are the stakes that suit best to the strategy/gameplan provided in the pack? (i mean theory and recorded footage, i guess mid-stakes something like 5-60$ level?)
the poker tracker 3 include 3 parts- reccomended hud stats to make frequent use of - a piece on winrate (which is mers article on winrate analysis in vid format)- using pt3 to find leaks: moslty looking for spots where we can, from historical data, see that folding is the best course of action. This will be telling you how to go about this (filters to use, numbers to look at and sample sizes that should concern/not concern you). this bit makes up about 10 minutes of the vid.I hear poker tracker 4 is soon to release too, I will no doubt make a similair vid for this software in the future, and anyone buying this package would probably be able to get ahold of a free copy of that vid if pt4 is released in the next couple of months.The vids will be super value for anyone grinding the $60's or below imo (just in terms of sheer info in the pack compared to what u would get from say an hours coaching). For those playing 100's+ players I imagine there will be a lot in the pack they already know, but I've tried to get litereally everything I know about hypers into these vids, so I think this will have value for some of those guys too, at least enough to part with one and a half buyins anyway. I think if there are people who know like 95%+ of the material in here, they likely already aware of it. I imagine it best suits $60 games, since that was my main game at the point I started making this (but a lot of this strategy is by no means stake specific)
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Hi chadders,Your Videopack sounds interesting.Maybe that's a stupid question, but is your PT3 part easy transferable to HEM?I've never worked with PT3 so far and prefer HEM for my tracking, analysing and for the HUD.Thanks in advanceMareen
I thought a premium membership pays for things like this? Are future video packs going to have added prices to them from other coaches?
The poker tracker 3 vid info is transferrable (poker tracker specific is only last 10 mins and if you know your way round hem then you should be able to do all the filters and analysis that i do on hem) @nomeansyes, this is a vid pack that I started out always intending to sell as a package or course, it just so happened that husng.com was the best platform to do it on. I can't speak for husng.com but I wouldn't imagine they are planning on selling another video package in the forseeable future. will be on sale in next 24 hours
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Hey NoMeansYes, of course when we can we just purchase videos to add to the premium or standard membership, but the economics did not work out for us to be able to purchase these individually to add to the membership.However, no money from subscriptions is being used for this package, nor are any videos being replaced by this package, it's just an extra option/product for users to purchase if it fits what they are looking for. We're happy and excited to have it on HUSNG.com, if we weren't interested it would've likely just been sold by Chadders privately or on another poker website if he found somebody interested in it in a way that fit what he's looking to get out of it. Let me know if you have any questions about it, I'm happy to answer them here or privately.We'll get the package up for sale in the next 5 or 6 hours, just waiting on the 10th video to upload, otherwise everything is already built and ready to go live.
Hello Ryan,Just downloaded the package and Video 10 does not unzip succesfully on my machine. Maybe the archive is corrupted in some way?I get this from Winrar:"! C:\Users\thedesbois\Desktop\hyperturbo_vidpack10.zip: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged"Thanks!D
same problem here with winrar and windows 7 native zip utility
Just video 10, correct? I will have this fixed overnight, apologies (I added that file at a different time and did it incorrectly).
i've purchased but i can't download, when i go to the download here button it brings me cack to the pack presentation.can you fix it please?
Sorry, I thought that I emailed each person that has ordered, my apologies.Despite us testing for the exact error that occurred, it appears a permissions glitch was present on the downloads page so we had to take it offline. I put a request in to have it fixed, so hopefully very soon it'll be put back up. I'm very sorry about that, unfortunately it's above my head on fixing it.*Just to be clear, the order page, ordering system and permission role works fine, the page to download the videos is just temporarily down.
yes, just video 10 with zip archive error
chadders0,where and how can we buy it?seems really interesting, i want it !
You post a Sharkscope graph on the "Chadders Hyper Turbo Heads Up Video Series Information"page. What is the reason that you filter out anything from just below $100s and up considering you have played over 5K games at the $100 level. Is this just to make the graph look better?Regards,Peter
Chadders can also answer here, but I believe he is a $60 level pro with consistent success at that level and that's what he is claiming as his success and showing the relevant graph for his buyin level.I"ll double check with Chadders again on the details of the graph, but that is the logic behind that specific graph. Players are of course free to sharkscope him for specific inquiries such as profit by month, profit at lower stakes on his way up the ladder or profit at the $100+ levels he's currently establishing himself at.He can jump in here to clarify what I said above though.
I posted the 60's on their own because that is my main claim to success. I have run pretty bad so far at the 100's+, for ex this was my first 1.8k games at 100's:http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showpost.php?p=29316431&postcount=1602and with SS not showing ev on graph I thought those results were more appropriate. In my ss graph you will also see a sharp decline which is a combo of a downswing playing 200's and 100's and playing hu4rollz with harthor at 200's. So my roi's between levels defintely wont be consistent on shark scope, but I think the 3% roi 4 tabling 60's is at least evidence that I would do moderately well at higher stakes.Let me know if this suffices or if you want more giraffes to see.
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That is a fair point and I can see that the filter is included in the screenshot, so its not like anything is hidden as such. I somehow doubt that this filter would be used had he performed/run better in the $100+ levels, though :-)Thanks for clarifying.Peter
No, this is fine. FWIW I think its good you now have a link to the EV graph of your $100 play to paint a clearer picture of your performance in these.Gl in games and with the sales.Peter
It would be nice if sellers would stop deciding what part of their results is appropriate and what not and just provide all the data and let the customer decide what is appropriate. Thx.
^This is a fair point, but what I showed was a representation of my skill and I'm not trying to make myself look better than I am. I thought this would be more appropriate than posting endless ev graphs filtered for each stake. Like i said before it's pretty unrealistic for me to have a 3% roi at 60's and be a break even player at 100's/200's (which i believe my SS will indicate).Apologies for any misunderstanding here.
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Hi,although I am almost convinced to purchase; I want to ask 2 questions. I hope these are appropriate.Firstly, if someone would have watched all mers vids and have read the fasttrack program. Which % do you think is recurring information (ie 20 40 60 80 100%). This repeated info, is it then merely repetition or do you see the addition of your personal opinion, experience, the current environment, your explaination through your eyes a true change/ clear added benifit of the presented recurring information?Secondly, I want to ask how many hours you invest weekly in approving to keep your spot/to progress in stakes and how many hours a week you invest in playing? This second question is merely a hope about an insight of how many hours a week are required to achieve your level of succes and such to evaluate my current approach towards if it would make sense to invest further in my development.Thank you.
Hi, I thought if I pay for video I get acces to download link but I still see there link unavailableSo just asking when will by link available?
Hey Olistr,It probably got lost in the discussion above, but this is from about 10 hours ago:Sorry, I thought that I emailed each person that has ordered, my apologies. Despite us testing for the exact error that occurred, it appears a permissions glitch was present on the downloads page so we had to take it offline. I put a request in to have it fixed, so hopefully very soon it'll be put back up. I'm very sorry about that, unfortunately it's above my head on fixing it. *Just to be clear, the order page, ordering system and permission role works fine, the page to download the videos is just temporarily down.----No update yet, just waiting on our webmaster to fix up the page for us.
how many hours left for fixing?
I'm not positive. It will be very fast once it is looked at I'm sure. Similar to sending an email to support, it only takes a few minutes to reply perhaps, but may be anywhere from 2-12 hours before it is received.I'm really sorry about the delay on the downloads page, we truly did test for the exact error that happened and it was working fine in our tests.On the off chance this isn't fixed by tonight, I'll just start sending the video pack to people privately one by one, I can handle the technology to execute that at least.
Thanks for you efforts Ryan,so hypers are safe territory for another day, :)
Nice one pocaja :)In all honesty, I'd imagine this will end up like most other good material out there, the better players who have proven they can take information and make the most out of it in terms of profit will continue to digest this type of stuff and keep ahead of the average player, and newer or struggling players with the right mindset and work ethic will also make great use out of it.
@Spike, A lot of my recent progression in poker theory knowledge has stemmed from fast track in the recent months, so I imagine there is a high amount of overlap because of that and since fast track has an exhaustive amount of hyper content. I think the main benefit from this pack is more in the consolidation of all the material in a structured format. The first 6 basically watch like lectures, and I've tried to cram sooo much info in that hopefully nobody will feel like this was a poor purchase decision.If you're still unsure I would wait to hear some reviews before parting with your money.As far as studying vs playing poker I do spent a lot of time when not playing studying the game. If i had to pick a figure out of my head I imagine it would be at least 20% studying. As far as the content goes though be assured it's all fact checked with players I respect and also by the people husng.com gave the vids too, there will be no strategy that leads you astray here ;)
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Why should someone choose Hypers, for Regulars and for Turbo's? If you want to improve youre HU game what is better to play?
im very interested in purchasing this but i play on merge so i was wonder how applicable is this content to the super turbo structure on merge?
Most of it will be very relevant. There will be some strategy here that is specified for 25bb and less which may not hold true for 30bb, but I think from the videos it is clear when effective stack size is a contributing factor to decision making. The video "the first hand" focuses exclusively on 25bb starting stacks, although a lot of the strategy will be relevant the readless ranges will be slightly different for merge structures. Most of the rest of the course makes distinctions between deeper or shallower, but not necessarily restricted to 25bb or less (for example the 3bet video segregates strategy into less than 20bb and above 20bb, the above 20bb section is all relevant up to 30bb).The hokie video is made up of merge games hypers.
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Hypersh are my favorite shtructure so I think I have to buy this video pack and learn some shtrategy.
Hi, I can pay Pokerstars transfer? Other variants aren't present.
how can i participate in PT4 beta?pm me, or icq 8046664
g-o-G-a, PokerTracker 4 is entering their beta phase soon and will go public with beta sometime after the holidays I believe.You'll be able to find major updates in our news section, we've seen the program and it is quite impressive, so it's relevant to our community and we'll be sure to keep you updated (and have some sort of a purchase/discount/bundle option once it goes commercial).
Update: We have a download page error solution scheduled on 12/8 being started around 11:00 Central USA Time. The issue may be fixed before then, but a concrete fix will be started at the scheduled time if still needed. We apologize for the inconvenience. There is also now an extra video in the video pack, making the total number of videos 11.