Lots of Premium Videos, Hyper-Super Turbos and More
Monday, July 9th - Heybude and Mersenneary, Big Stack, Small Stack Part 3 (Premium)
Tuesday, July 10th - Sa1251 $15 Hyper Leakfinder Part 2 (Standard)
Thursday, July 11th - Sa1251 Super Turbos (Premium)
Friday, July 12th - Coffeeyay Hyper Turbo Leakfinder (Standard)
Saturday, July 13th - BryanusFTW $60 Turbo Debut (Standard)
Monday, July 15th - Chadders0 Hyper Turbos $200+ buyin (Premium)
Tuesday, July 16th - xSCWx Super Turbos (Premium)
Added Sa1251 $15 hyper leak part 2 to the schedule, will be out tonight (5-6 hours likely).
We have a $60 turbo video from a new coach out this weekend (schedule will be changed to reflect this). We'll need feedback on that one in particular.We also have a $200-500 hyper turbo regular that just made a 5 minute sample video that went well, he is in the process of recording a full length video. I may post the 5 minute sample early next week if we don't have a full video by then, to give everybody a taste of what is to come.A few other less developed additions, and we haven't lost anybody, so this is all just a wider library of coaches that will offer videos to members throughout the month(s).
hey guys. i recorded live two-tabling footage and commentary tonight. unfortunately the tables are overlapping on the review, so i'll have to remake it. i'll be sending it over to ryan tomorrow afternoon.
ryan can you please provide the screename of the new hyper turbo coach?
I usually wouldn't, just because timing is so hard to nail down with newer coaches. But I spoke to him today, and he has a full length video recorded, he needs to add some audio to it still though.Bernardc is going to be making some hyper content here in the next week or two.We have another hyper coach of similar stakes as him coming out soon as well.I've spoken to a $60-100 turbo player and a $100-300 hyper player in addition to those, the turbo player will have a debut video this weekend, while the hyper player says he will record soon.Again, sometimes these don't always pan out, people change their minds, get busy, or find out when recording that it is not for them. So I don't want to get hopes up too high, but I'm excited to be expanding into some additional coaches for the site.
no offense but bernardc is noway a 200-500 reg.
Oops, you're totally right.
Here are his stats, to clarify things, sorry for saying that I think because of his profit totals I previously looked at I just assumed. Otherwise I can't figure out why I concluded it in hindsight.
Hyper stats up top, overall below.
Schedule updated. Bernardc should debut next week and I'll put out the new schedule once I have that video (I should have it by Tuesday).