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anauna's picture
$220 50/100 blinds shove question tough spot imo

I dont have a hand history at this point

but I exactly remember what my hands and opponents hands were

it was $220 match on FullTilt

my vilan is passive

we have about same chip amount 1500 each

and me with the small blinds have pocket 5's

I am thinking about something and 50/100 I decide to go all in

bc there is not much flop that I like execpt set

and dont know where my villan's hand range well

I shove he calls with KJ

I won the pot but was it a good shove for me?

Levian's picture
Yes def no question about

Yes def no question about it. It's an easy spot infact, not a tough spot.

anauna's picture
thanks! I think I am more

I think I am more favor than cards like AK, AQ KQ something like that ex for higher pairs
but was it ok to call with KJ or KQ ?
As I mentioned it was 15 big blinds deep each other
thanks =)

space4rent's picture
not completely sure on the

not completely sure on the math but read somwwhere that there is 216  2 card hand combinations counting suited and unsuited (not individual suits) in a 52 card deck if you have 55 and he only calls with 66+ there is 9 hands that call and have a 80% chance of beating you so more than 19/20 of the time you instantly win 1/15 of his stack so even without caculateing the 19.5 chance of beating when he calls with a overpair its correct
now that is slightly unrealistic as his calling range is prolly gonna be alot wider and if it goes down to 66 why not down to 22 and possibly if he is calling wide enough you could even have A2-A5 dominated and even vs AKs 55 has 51.5 vs AKs 48.0
his calling range is prolly smaller than his folding range so win the blinds or flip (edge might not even beat the rake) not the best spot in the world but u can't win by folding (or making awful calls as some of us have to learn =/ )

Skates's picture
 jam, raise/call, and

 jam, raise/call, and limp/jam are all fine for your hand depending on villain tendencies... 
If they flat alot, jam.  If they 3bet alot but don't raise limps, raise/call.  If they go nuts over your limps, limp/jam.
As for villain's call.  It depends on the other player's range.  Some people only jam 12-15BB when they have a pocket pair or Ace-rag.  Some people will raise/call all of those hands, so they're only jamming 12-15BB with like JTs type hands.  Most people minraise-call KQ.
Vs. the first type of player, calling KJ is bad.  Vs. the second type of player, it's really really good, especially when villain gets upset because "LOLOLOL KJ? WTF? ARE YOU DUMB? LOLLLLLL"

Skates's picture
 This math is all over the

 This math is all over the place.  There's only 169 card combinations (13 pocket pairs plus (13 choose 2) hands which can be offsuit or suited, so multiply by two.  So, 13 + (13*12/2) * 2 = 13*13 = 169.)  You can't use the fractional hand argument because there are only 6 combos of each pocket pair, 12 combos of each offsuit hand, and 4 combos of each suited hand.
You could instead say there are 9 pocket pairs, so 54 combos that beat you.  There are 50*49/ 2 = 1225 possible hands, so you are ahead 95.6% of the time.  Same result, but the method above was incorrect.