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retrorevenger's picture
3 betting

When I'm playing HU SNGs I feel that I don't fully know what I'm meant to be doing when I want to 3 bet pre flop. Are there any general rules about 3 betting pre flop such as the size of the bet? I heard Skates saying something about 1/6th stack size in a couple of the videos. At what point should a 3 bet not fold to a 4 bet because of pot commitment and is it just better to make the 3 bet a shove in these situations?

Any pointers on 3 betting would be appreciated.


RyPac13's picture
Deep stacked I generally

Deep stacked I generally only 3bet for value by default (especially in the lower stakes) usually 3-4x their PFR size.  First level that means I'm usually going to about 140 when they minraise and 180-220 when they 3x raise.
The 1/6 or 1/7 type 3bets you're talking about are sizing up at more of medium to medium/high blinds and have several implications, mainly it puts your opponent at a tougher decision preflop where they either have to play for a smaller pot going into the flop than they'd like or overraise/shove and commit themselves to the pot.  Postflop if you size it right preflop you offer yourself several advantages on future decisions and bets.  I'll let Skates go into that, however.