Poker Stars $3.40+$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 2694975
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BTN/SB: t560 28 BBs
Hero (BB): t440 22 BBs
Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is BB with K Q
BTN/SB raises to t60, Hero calls t40
Flop: (t120) 2 K
(2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets t60, Hero calls t60
Turn: (t240) A(2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets t120, Hero raises to t320 all in, BTN/SB calls t200
River: (t880) T(2 players - 1 is all in)
should we play this turn aggressiv? I dont think we have this much fe.
KK+,JJ,22,A8s+,A2s,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,A9o+,A2o,KTo+,QTo+,JTo against this range we have 45%.
I think its a little wide but on the other hand there still could be some flushdraws in his range also.
Did you have any reads? Flop check raise gets a lot of value from weaker pairs and draws.
no I didnt have or at least cant recall any reads.
Both shoving and calling on the turn is fine.
It is probably better to 3bet preflop (all-inn or to around 4,5x-5x) most of the time with KQs, and especially vs a 3x raise.
Double post
Double post
I prefer a c/r OTF (when you're often ahead): You can rep QT/Q9 and other stuff. OTT, I prefer a call: your hand is strong enough I think, you don’t need FE (you’ve got 2d PairGK+GS+FD).
Sorry, I just realized how old the post is ^^