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Rapidload's picture
$5,25 J3s OOP


My reads on the villain were that he was somewhat aggressive both pre- and postflop, sometimes even open raising to 5x etc. and I'd seen him over bet the pot before.

So, on the flop I decide the check and let him do the betting and then re-evaluate on the turn. That overbet seemed really weird, at that time I thought it was either a 5, 3 with a good kicker or complete air.

So, turn comes and brings another 5. At this point I was so sure that I had the best hand because an aggressive player would probably raise any pocket-pair preflop, right? Yay, how do I get the money in? I decided to give him some rope and it worked.

River comes and brings an awful ace. He could have bluffed me with ace high, right? Anyway, decide to check and he shoves. WTF bells start ringing and I'm totally lost. I didn't think he was value betting since it was so big of and over bet. It really seemed like he wanted me to fold. So yeah, I puked, made the call and felt like a complete donkey.

Any thoughts? Blocking bet on the river and bet/fold? Raise on turn?

ErnieohneBert's picture
In my oppinion you should

In my oppinion you should have bet on the flop, because youre 33 aren't that good.
So did he win by a straight or another two pair?

If you do check, maybe its better to check raise on the flop.
But maybe the more experienced player can right something about that :-)


chok1's picture