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crstn's picture
AQs, 3-bet pot oop, NFD and 2 overs. call or shove on the flop?

Early in the match, opponend seems loose aggressiv. My first 3-bet.Should I call the flop because the good odds or jam?   $10/$20 No Limit Holdem • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero$1520.00  BTNHorbylon$1480.00  Effective Stacks: 74bb Pre-Flop ($30.00, 2 players) Hero is BB Horbylon raises to $60.00, Hero raises to $160.00, Horbylon calls $100.00 Flop ($320.00, 2 players) Hero bets $180.00, Horbylon raises to $360.00, Hero  ???  

thepuminator's picture
shove, turns that you dont

shove, turns that you dont hit and he jams suck because your not getting odds.

hapahauli's picture
Definetely shove, you have

Definetely shove, you have two overcards and a flush draw!  If he has a pair here, you have 9 outs to the flush plus 6 for top pair, that's 15 outs per street to improve (54.12%, though probably closer to 50% given his outs to improve as well).   Your equity when called in addition to your fold-equity makes it an easy shove to get it in on the flop. 

crstn's picture
I am a big shove fan is with

I am a big shove fan is with good draws, and so I did my shoveparty this time as well. Wanted just check out if maybe in this specific case a call would be > because he is giving me 5:1 direct odds.

arh7rf's picture
I think if you call here with

I think if you call here with 5:1 direct odds and estimate your fold equity to be low (like a read that villain only does minraises with superstrong hands) then taking the odds and folding a blank could be more optimal if you give him a range of TPTK and 2 pair +. That's my humble opinion. Against an aggro opponent like the one you describe the shove line is the nuts. Against a nittier player who you haven't seen get out of line you might give him more respect than you do in a Vaccum which assumes your two overs are good.

takeheronacruise's picture
Yeah easiest shove ever, your

Yeah easiest shove ever, your equity is awesome vs any realistic range. You'll only make the hand hard to play and lose value or make mistakes on later streets by flatting. And i mean that on cards that improve us as well as miss.