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Tomdaddy2's picture
Cog Dissonance Video 9


Got a few questions from your latest video.
1. At 2.00 you 3 bet either your opponent's first or one of first raises. Do you do this often or was it player specific?

2. I can't remember the time on the video. You had T3. Flop was 9h Th Ad. you led opponent called. Turn was 3x. You led 150 into 200 opponent called. River was 5h, completing heart flush. you led 200 into 500. and called a re-raise to 400. My question is how big a re-raise were you willing to call? If opponent had made it 500 or 600 more do you still feel priced in?

3. At 20:15 you bluff him w/ 76 by representing a 5. On the river he checked and you bet like 500ish into 700ish. My question is do you still bluff if he leads with a blocking bet? Like if opponent bet 150 or 200 into 500, would you overshove still?

Great video!,


cog dissonance's picture
1. I often 3 bet early for

1. I often 3 bet early for information. Just to find out if they are raising light and if they have a fold button.

2. I really knew he'd hit the flush and would go with that read on a larger raise. I honestly wouldn't have called much more than 200.

3. Yeah my read is he has a 9, if he blocks that just confirms it and I'm definitely coming over the top and trying to get the fold.

Glad you enjoyed that one mate :)


Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1