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riskoriented's picture
Cog Dissonance videos

Your videos are fucking amazing, CD. I hardly ever get anything out of watching videos, and so I rarely do it, but I'm going to watch these again and again. They are a seminar on great poker play and illustrate the importance of taking your time and thinking through decisions. Best videos on this site and you're going to be the star of this place before long if you keep producing quality stuff.

::: Sage

cog dissonance's picture
Wow thanks mate! I really

Wow thanks mate! I really appreciate the support :)

Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1

HalfSlant's picture
I watched three of Cog's so

I watched three of Cog's so far... and I love how you use the hand replayer instead of commenting on a live game. I am not sure if the other videos will start doing that. Just watched a croix video where he had 4-5 tables going at once. It was kind of overwhelming.
It makes it WAY easier to follow what you are saying, since theres not a new hand popping up whenever you are talking about an important decision.
The only comment I have is about how you say "ordinary" instead of marginal. :P

Whoohoox8's picture
<3 Cog

love the way you explain how you change your tactics versus particular opponents and what your game plan is
i love your accent too- it cracks me up all the time as well as the little bits of humor you throw in
keep it up!

cog dissonance's picture
Thanks to both you and

Thanks to both you and Halfslant for the positive feedback. I think when you hear your own voice on a video it always sounds weird to you. I was pretty worried people would hate the way my voice sounded.
Halfslant.. I'll work on marginal rather than ordinary ;)

Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1

AQs's picture
thanks Cog 4 ur videos,they

thanks Cog 4 ur videos,they brought me a lot of money! I was a lag player who never limped an hand preflop and I had pretty hard time to solving some problems,the other istructurs talked well about u so i gave a look at ur videos,I found them very well made,clear and plenty of good contenents.I gave a try at ur way to play and now,after a good seample i can say it is very effective and fits me well .


cog dissonance's picture
Hey Flammaz I'm very happy

Hey Flammaz I'm very happy they've been useful for you :)

Skype/AIM- cogdissonance1

Sicario020's picture
Amen to that

Dr Cog your vids are very nice to follow. 
You should be doing e.books with that voice, very nice hahaha no me no gay :P.
Anywayz i like you vids a lot and as a starter i am really thinking having you as my coach
cos i sux bigtime :) , but that i will decide a little later cos i 1st wanna play some more
micro HUsng so "we" might have something to discuss.....
In short awesome site
Awesome vids you make :)
kind regards,