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vherreral's picture
Getting coffee's math pack or reading will tipton's books

Hi, I feel I need to study more the game, haven't done it in a while, felt like it wasn't necessary, but now i'm on a downswing and feel like it's time I put some effort to study what I'm doing. So the thing is that I'm not sure which way to go 1st:

1.- Getting coffee's math pack

2.- Reading Will Tipton's books (maybe followed by the videopack)


​Think I saw cdon mentioning someone should get 1st cofee's math pack, before reading tipton's books, but I'm not sure if I saw that or i'm just making it up.


Btw, I don't buy the books from this site rite??, are they just available on dandbpoker??

RyPac13's picture
For low to mid stakes guys I

For low to mid stakes guys I would probably recommend Coffeeyay's pack to start. It's more accessible I believe and gives you some easier plug and fix type advice, as well as some fundamental necessary math and study habits.

I like both Tipton books for a more math oriented person (someone with a background in math) or someone who is at the mid to high stakes.

Now, this advice is fairly general, if something appeals to you in one pack over the other, no matter what level you are at, you should explore that. But my general advice would be low to mid start with the math pack first, mid to high, consider the Tipton material.

vherreral's picture
Thx for the advise, I think

Thx for the advise, I think of myself of someone with a math background as I'm an actuary, but also I don't have gud study habits. 

Dunno what to consider of myself, I was able to move up to 50s/100s on a .fr site, but haven't been able to move beyond 15s on stars.com


Anyways thx again for the advise.