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mygameispoke's picture
GreenBast Turbo Pack

Does he discuss in here how to deal with people who 3bet shove like 30% + 30bbs+. I think I heard him say we should know what to do, but I dont. I lose massive amounts of money off of this and quite frankly its the most common thing I see at the micros, why didnt he address this???

pbogz1114's picture
Ever think of getting some

Ever think of getting some coaching. Can fill that leak in 1-2 seasons tops.



- Pbogz

View my coaching page.

Mattraq1's picture
There are multiple

There are multiple adjustments u can make vs this type of opponent.  Ill go over an example gameplan.

First lets take the raw numbers you have given us. 30% 3b shove with 30bbs.  This is rather simple to figure out.  According to ICMizer calling his 3bs with a range of 33+,A5s+,A7o+,KJs+,KQo will be +ev. So you can raise/call these hands.  Another villain stat is important.  When he isnt 3bs you, what is he doing?  Is he folding all his bbs unless he 3bs? Or is he defending them?  If he is defending them, then you get into the post flop tendencies.

If for example villain is only 3bs 30% of his hands and folding the 70% without defending, then raising ATC and calling with the range i listed above is the proper gameplan.

Again, there are multiple ways to adjust, and this is just 1.  There are also likely much lower variance ways to adjust to this type of player that will net you a higher roi than this method as well.  More information would need to provided for specifics tho.

cdon3822's picture
Exploitative SB Range Splitting

I will add one small caveat to Mattraq's solid advice. The raise call range will obviously depend on the composition villain 3b with, not just the frequency (wide value range vs polarised 3b range vs wide bluff range). But that's more of an at-the-margin consideration given the value component of a 3b range is likely to be fairly consistent from player to player. When you gather more data (see some showdowns) you can adjust your marginal raise-calls to account for the composition of villain's 3b jamming range.


Vs frequent 3b an effective adjustment is to polarise your raising range & add a limping range favouring middling holdings which dominates his check back range. This will increase the ratio of raise calls to raise folds in your opening range which will have the benefit of:

- your range being stronger on average where villain is betting

- making your opening range less exploitable vs villain's wider than average preflop 3b strategy (decrease the profitability of villain's 3b bluffs)

Additionally by incorporating a limping range, you will be likely playing more pots postflop in position, vs a player who is more likely than average to make large spewy errors postflop (correlated read that wide 3b player is also likely to have aggressive postflop tendencies).

teddybloat's picture
One further thing to consider

One further thing to consider is what effect that 30% 3bt strat has on his OOP flatting range. If hes 3 betting hands like KQ, KT, QJ, JT etc then they represent the strongest hands in a standard defending range and so when he flats his range is weak and capped. He will find it hard to contest certain run outs. If hes not 3 betting those hands then his 3betting range is likely polarised and unbalanced towards bluffs. Follow the above advice and use ICMIZER. A couple of us posted free 7 day use keys for icmizer, search the forums and see if they still work. Good luck.

mygameispoke's picture
Hey guys, I really appreciate

Hey guys, I really appreciate the help. I think I will just have to expand my calling range I just didn't know how wide I could do that at 30bbs. I will follow the above advice and seek out those icmizer trials as well, thanks.