Samar4eg made the most this week with $38,477 profit. His average buy-in was about $713!
(dfghnajkafs, psychodelicx, Samar4egs wife (she does not play poker ), Samar4eg, IKSecret)
VbV1990 made the 2nd most, with $30,870 profit.
v2the3 made the 3rd most, with $25,488 profit.
adamc1988 $14,412
wintersto82 $13,361
IKSecret $13,165
LFmagic $12,214
vino la iubi $9,125
Serk $9,058
chadders0 $7,353
JustNoPain $7,113
spacegravy $6,435
m0nkeyflush $5,893
147maker $5,678
yura935 $5,626
PrimordialAA $5,325
bawssss $5,164
sverigelottn $4,890
OtB_RedBaron $4,874
bluesky30 $4,874
xekpoker $4,708
Ma3ttu $4,445
voss1313 $4,363
R1CKY TSUI $4,099
anthonyff $3,874
alwayswin222 $3,569
Rockets992 $3,411
famag2012 $3,248
NoFloat $3,173
LeoFernandez $2,902
pokedabear8 $2,599
Francois2323 $2,428
FaKeOrReaL $2,338
Quadchrazs $2,199
kaju85 $2,197
superman-x7 $2,170
Syous $2,086