TILTMENOT made the most this week with $26,580 profit. His average buy-in was about $1,298!
v2the3 made the 2nd most, $23,161 profit.
Dario "Secret_M0d3" Sammartino made the 3rd most, with $20,549 profit.
majcy $11,638
prepstyle71 $11,547
adamc1988 $7,540
mikki696 $6,651
Ziroto $6,646
Zbinik55 $6,342
Samar4eg $6,253
jackstack99 $5,846
gortanure $5,725
GlassOfBeer $5,588
damn1229 $5,263
godcantstopm $4,933
NoFloat $4,472
IKSecret $4,352
Kashmir_uzi $4,325
Auca32 $4,054
Oljieha $3,957
crapouze $3,871
Brause89 $3,866
skinner_0621 $3,783
flaszeczka $3,679
AmStAf88 $3,546
the 1rake1 $3,418
radum76 $3,192
VbV1990 $3,145
mad_domonox $3,142
147maker $2,688
andy.zu $2,523
wintersto82 $2,480
edvuliukas $2,433
MACU.baBY $2,410
monet456 $2,326
ruthless848 $2,103