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HSR weekly report #41: Alex "Lotte Lenya" Timman won the most; Matej "mtvdeuem" Cepon - from high stakes to low limits?

13 players showed profit, 7 had losses and 2 were break-even. Winners combined for ~$240,000, losers for ~$55,500. Ryan "Moca Choca89" O'Donnell  played biggest sample - 1417 games.

Alex "Lotte Lenya" Timman - $65,479 after 528 games!


  • Buy-in $100: $96 after 3 games
  • Buy-in $500: $4,160 after 93 games
  • Buy-in $1000: $61,222 after 432 games

Alex's profile: click here

Alex's answers in 2p2: click here

Rachid "SkaiWalkurrr" Ben Cherif - second best with $56,446 after 983 games!

5th profitable week in a row (+$157,000). SkaiWalkurrr is up for $802,431 this year.

Most profitable opponents were VbV1990 (27 games) and Jossel2008 (605 games!). Biggest week's upswing (from +$31,700 in Game 675 to +$79,470 in Game 701), probably were from those 27 games against VbV1990.

Player profile: CLICK HERE

Dominik "mad_domonox/domonox" Bosnjak

He is up for about $417,000 this year.

Biggest upswing: from -$6,000 (Game 133) to +$18,880 (Game 196).


Questions (from April's hand pack)


What is your strenghts and weaknesses?

I think I am very good handreader and I play my ranges very well in most spots especially against fish. My weaknesses are my multitalbling skills and concentration issues that I have sometimes. Playing long sessions is impossible for me.

Tell me your start in poker and how you managed to climb up the stakes up to high buy-ins?

I started to play poker 2009 when I heard about the free 50$ on pokerstrategy.com. I donked around for 3-4 months playing cash game and 9max sng not making any significant winnings. I played my first 5$ husng (regular speed) in the beginning of 2010. From there it took me half a year to reach the 200s playing straight forward and exploiting fish tendencies. I play highstakes for more than 2 years now and I still feel like I'm improving every session. My results confirm that feeling.

What are you doing when not grinding?

I play waterpolo up to 5 times a week. My team is not very good but it's a nice balance to poker. I also party and drink alot.

Describe your standart grinding day?

I don't really have a standard grinding day. I play when I feel like I can concentrate, if not I do something else.

Do you listen music while playing?

No, it distracts me while I'm playing. But I like to listen to music it when I'm waiting for games. LoveRance - UP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLyfllUHTmc


More winners



Games Played


Olivier “Adonis112” Busquet



Martin “0Piggybank” Finger






Richard “chadders0” Chadwick









Dmitriy "JustNoPain" Ivanov



Daniel "mrGR33N13/riyyc225" Colman






Leon "flippetyflop" Louis





Break-even: Fil Gordon won $173 after 134 games; Pieter "Siervos" de Vries -$304 after 567 games.

Jack "jackstack99/aisixer3jk" Ketendjian lost $20,900 after 739 games


He lost $13,566 after 671 games in PS and $7,340 after 68 in FTP.

Matej "mtvdeuem" Cepon - from high stakes to low limits?

He lost $5,492 after 565 games, but most interestingly that  233 games of his sample was from 7$, 15$ and 30$ buy-in levels (+$30; +$22 and +$255). He also played $500, and $300 but only for 75 games.


Other losers



Games Played


Conor “Earl Hindman/Jaws Washington” Shelly






Ryan "Moca Choca89" O'Donnell










Hand packs from last week

1) Richard "chadders0" Chadwick hand pack against top regs (+PHOTO, +GRAPH)

2) Hyper-turbo and turbo hand pack mix (Jossel2008, SkaiWalkurrr, v2the3, killuifuplay, JustNoPain, VbV1990, "0PIGGYBANK"...)

3) Best regs against unknowns: Helio TYF, mrGR33N13, Lotte Lenya, Adonis112

4) Olivier "Adonis112/livb112" Busquet hand pack (+PHOTOS; +STATS; +Olivier about playing poker; +INTERESTING FACTS)



Note: We use multiple collection methods to parse together stats. We use everything from tracking sites, to private sources to actual player reports (on themselves and opponent results). Due to the nature of collection methods, these stats should only be used for entertainment purposes. They are not accurately enough in any way to be used by governments, or for any official purposes. Actual stats for players that are reliable for legal purposes would need to be gathered directly from the poker rooms. No sources that we use are close to as accurate as the poker room themselves.