Popular Mental Game Book Now Only $29.95, 10% Off With Discount Promo Code "13"
December 9th, 2011 - For the last few months we've heard coaches and members talking about Jared Tendler's Mental Game of Poker book. The reviews have been nothing short of excellent. HUSNG has teamed up with Jared Tendler to offer 10% off his popular Mental Game Book. Simply type in Promo Code "13" on step 2 of the order process at Jared Tendler's Website, and you'll receive 10% off the $29.95 sale price.
Jared Tendler Contest
Jared is also giving away a free kindle or free poker coaching to two lucky winners. Contestants need to simply start talking about the mental part of poker to qualify. See Jared's Blog for details on the contest.
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Right now I'm working with Jared and he's great, also... if you read The Poker Mindset, when you reading Jared's book you will notice the difference... the latter one has a scientific approach.
anymore shit this site wants to plug? jfc...
What issue do you specifically have with this?A great deal of members and coaches seem to hail this book as an essential book for anybody with mental game issues (there are a lot of people).Jared slashed his price and offered us the ability to give up to 10% off to our users.We didn't do this for the money, we won't likely get one penny for this (I think we need to refer like 30 sales to get the minimum $50 payment, I doubt we'll do that, dozens of people on this site already bought the book long ago at the $50 price). We did this because members and coaches told us how great this book was and important to players with tilt issues.Additionally, we may even get something like a mental game/tilt control article to put on this site in the future, who knows, but that's the type of free value I feel I would be insane to turn down to users on this site.I normally am not so pointed, but I'm kind of offended by the words you chose to use "anymore shit this site wants to plug, jesus fucking christ" is pretty out of line unless there's something I'm not seeing that you saw to inspire such harsh words. Did you get the impression that Jared Tendler paid us to put this up? I'd be even happier if he did, and that would be more money available to purchase more videos (or other content) too and I don't see how a member would dislike that. It's just a news post alerting users on our site of a relevant product with great reviews available at a discount.I'm just really at a loss to understand why this is an issue to you.
Yea agree I was way to harsh with my statement (life tilted at the time of writing it) so feel free to delete it if you like. Just feel though that recently alot of stuff just being advertised here / sold and also not going to go into depth about which videos or who from etc just lacking the quality that built your customer base to begin with (some of the coaches). Maybe im wrong or completley out of line saying it but feels like this site recently is just being used for people cashing in. My comment wasnt actually aimed at this particular product, from what I hear its actually incredibly helpful.
One point I do want to make is that the extra stuff around here has mostly been coach driven. Fast track, for example, was entirely Mers and Hokie's program. But that program by all accounts was a huge success for the people who joined, so from my perspective it was just another value to a poker player's arsenal of options to utilize while improving their game.The HUD is not part of HUSNG.com in any way, we just give a page for the owner in exchange for a discount to our members.Chadders video pack is an intensive course pack, again, developed and driven by Chadders, and it wasn't available as an option to add to our member videos. We will have some Chadders super turbo videos out soon in the membership too.If you have any suggestions for instructors who are interested in making videos, please do let me know. I've been working hard to add who we can and talking to dozens of people about potential videos.
The book is very helpful and for under $30 it's a snap!
Though I havn't gone through the book, but one of my close friend read it and shared few points with me. At the point the information shared was good. I think to borrow the book for him and go through it and then discuss over it.
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