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Marsman1974's picture
Math Pack


I am working on maximally exploitive readless ranges for SB push/fold (video 10 Math Pack). I want to make the charts based on my own database. I have a global alias for villain. I would like to get his calling range for an open shove 7 big blinds deep (using the method in the Math Pack). It looks easy with the Coffeehud custom stats and PT4, but that isn't an option for me right now. I just can't figure out which filters to use to get there.

In HEM 2, how do I filter to get the population call open shove range?



RyPac13's picture
I'm not sure off hand, this

I'm not sure off hand, this is a good question.
Most of the people I would go to to answer your question use PT4 these days, so I'll see what I can come up with.

Marsman1974's picture
Math Pack


tata_bogat's picture
one question related to the

one question related to the part with minraise vs folding pre:
if we fold pre we loose -0.5bb.
so dont we need the fold equity to be just bigger then -0.5bb. 
so if Fe =f*P = -0.5 => f*1.5bb=-0.5bb , doesnt mean that we need f=0.33 , making it more profitable to min raise vs openfold if villain is folding >= .33?
Thank you in advance,

coffeeyay's picture
You are making a mistake with

You are making a mistake with your reference frames.
When using folding = -.5bb, this means we are looking at expectations from start of hand. This means that when villain folds we are only winning 1bb from start of hand, and not 1.5bb.
This would make your math:
Fe =f*P = -0.5 => f*1bb=-0.5bb => f = .5
It's important to keep your reference frames constant. I would recommend watching just the beginning of my advanced computation video from the pack before continuing--in it I work out a few examples of dealing with different reference frames that will hopefully clarify things a bit for you ;)

coffeeyay's picture
Sorry I missed

Sorry I missed this!
Unfortunately I haven't used HEM 2 ever, and haven't used HEM 1 in a while and I can't get it to load anymore :(

From memory in HEM 1 the way i used to filter for open shoves was to use the "More filters" button, and would set it to villain opening pre and then set the preflop bet sizing to something like >2xPot or whatever you feel is reasonable (including the times where villain bets almost his whole stack is a good thing, you just need to be careful when dealing with short stacks as 4bb deep 2x pot may get rid of the actual open shoves)

Sorry I can't help more and that there has been such a delay in response--I was hoping some actual HEM2 users would comment.

cdog91's picture
grrrr finding this so

grrrr finding this so confusing!! i dont know what i dont understand!! which doesnt make sense :( whats equity?? my understanding is the % of money you have invested in the pot is your equity for eg. ive 200$ in a pot of 400$ my equity is 50% ? im probable completely wrong :( im so unhappy fml :/ and i only watched 10mins of part 1 :O ffs

Kieran Lynch

tata_bogat's picture
One quick question , i`m

One quick question , i`m watching now video 7 , and i came on the part where it is explained the nash equilibrium .
One question about this. The SB average proffit (BB) from min 28 it is from start of the hand . So i should understand that any hand that i am folding preflop even at 25 bb if it`s a nash shove i`m loosing money no ? Because a fold is -0.5bb ev . And from the chart even at 100 bb it doesnt reach -0.5.
Thank you in advance

RyPac13's picture
That should be correct. If

That should be correct. If shoving is better than folding, you would shove it before you would fold it. The likely answer is going to be minraise or limp at the stacks you're talking about, but you are correct in the major point: You shouldn't be folding it.

coffeeyay's picture
Hey I think you're getting

Hey Tata,
I think you're getting confused by what the chart represents. It is your average profit from playing
nash push/fold as a whole strategy. Not of the shoving range. So it includes all the times you open fold as well as all the times you open shove. So for example it is higher than -.5bb at 100bb because most of the time you open fold (making it close to -.5bb), but the rest of the time you have a profitable open shove (ex: AA) making it higher than -.5bb. Shallower it goes up as you have more hands you can profitably open shove. It shows you that playing push/fold, even optimally via GTO, is not going to be a great strategy from the small blind deep because it leads you to losing money on average, but can be very profitable shallow.

Hope this clarifies it, let me know if you have more questions :)

Joddlestar's picture
Coffee Hud Stata


Trying to create some ranges for my population and have the Coffee Hud, but in the statistics tab on PT4 when using the Range Visulizer cant seem to get the custom stats that came with the Coffee Hud to show so I can add them to the list of default options, please can anyone help.

Many Thanks
