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LJH2100's picture
Members forum

One of the big points of getting a husng.com membership beyond the videos (obviously) would be the member forums. The 2+2 forums only have that one section for HU and they seem to be pretty picky about what kind of topics are allowed to be discussed (mostly HH it seems). What sections are included in the member forums and how many active members are online? I would assume no matter the number it's going to be advantageous to me as if people are in the members forums on husng.com they are most likely very serious about improving their game and probably going to be more helpful in the respects to HU then another general poker forum.

thanks for the help in advance

Radeh's picture
Yeah, the mods at the 2+2

Yeah, the mods at the 2+2 HUNL forum can be real bitches :D

You generally get good responses to threads in the members forum, and the mods are less draconian (sry Chiry, I had to).


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