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pokerslap's picture
min raise Pre from BB

I lately have stop 3x raising from the BB and have started min raising,  my range for a raise has opened up slightly and decreasing how often i C bet and also I believe it helps me increase my ability to mix it up? any comments

of course its player dependent

RyPac13's picture
Do you mean the small

Do you mean the small blind?
What you said would mean this, for example:
Hero (big blind) posts the blind of 20.
Villain (small blind) posts the blind of 10.
Villain calls for 10 more chips.  Hero raises to 40 (instead of to 60). Villain calls.
Flop pot is 80 chips.
Hero is first to act.

pokerslap's picture
I ment minraise from the

I ment minraise from the SB
example hero sb 10
villian bb 20
hero raises 40
sorry for not being clear enough
i usually 4x from the BB if they call standard i think
get up, clean up, step up.

get up, clean up, step up.

RyPac13's picture
Winning players usually 2-3x

Winning players usually 2-3x from the button with a very wide range early on in games.  There are a lot of very good playes that minraise early, and many more that 3x.  There are also many winning players that mix it up, as you said based on opponent.
It sounds like you're recognizing that it matters more on who you are playing rather than what preflop sizing you use, so I would say you are doing a good job, generally speaking.