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lovelydonk's picture
multi tabling

just a question to all positive players...


do u multi table a lot...2 3 4 tables? longht of the sessions ...

xSCWx's picture

As long as it isn't hurting your ROI significantly, multitabling is almost always going to improve your $/hour. The only time where I think it might be negative is if you are learning the game. It is very difficult to learn while playing on multiple tables.
As far as length of sessions, again the more you can endure without starting to play poorly the more money you will make. The amount of time you put into it will usually be directly related to the amount of profit you make. I wouldn't recommend that anyone play less unless they were tilting to the point where they were -EV or if I thought it was hurting other aspects of their life.

lovelydonk's picture
thanks for ur feedback

do u always multitable? for me my style is very different when i multitable...i play more straight and forward ..
I figured that my income is better during the wek and drop down at the week end... don't know if it's because i get tired or the kind players thou....

xSCWx's picture

I don't always multitable, but I probably would make more money if I did.