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crazydonk's picture
Is This The Perfect Poker Trap? Explained (thoughts before every move) with Example

Is This The Perfect Poker Trap? Explained (thoughts before every move) with Example
-This is very next hand after big bluff.
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRqoybZAPh8

crazydonk's picture
I am not using HUD(I do not

I am not using HUD(I do not use any poker software) while playing POKER.

adam25185's picture
Hey buddyI like your trap.

Hey buddy

I like your trap. But I don't like how you played the first hand.

Jd7d: Although this hand flops well, your minraise OOP pre gives him the odds to call with any two cards. When you cbet the flop and he raises, I would just fold. I think you're very lucky here that he cannot continue on the turn. Any number of draws will call or shove and the click back is a very strong line from a recreational. And, like I said before, if our opponent knows we are doing this with pure air, he can call off very light. And HE can trap too.

I like the way you're thinking about the hands, but I think a little more understanding of standard play is called for. You can tell me I'm wrong again, but I can see on Sharkscope that you're a losing player. And I can see this from your play also. So heed my advice! 

I get coaching from PBogz ($70/hr). I think you would do well to have a few sessions.



crazydonk's picture
I appreciate your opinion. I

I appreciate your opinion. I have wrote alot  about  why I did that bluff here ( http://www.husng.com/content/why-i-bluffed-here-explainedvideo-3bet-flop-bluff-explained-example ) .  Also, If I have crazydonk nickname here, in the videos,... that does not mean that I am playing by same screename on microgaming. I will not try to convince you that I make money or I lose money. I actually do not care if people do not believe me(I do not have influence on people´s opinion; Also I am not trying convince anybody to think defferent). I am just sharing my opinion in poker.  Anyway, thank you for your advices and help.

crazydonk's picture
Additional information about

Additional information about video:
- Q: Did my smooth call allowed him to hit a straight or flush on the river?
-A:I think it was very low percentage that he would have straight or flush option on turn (reasons are mentioned in video). Even if he would have this option (I was very doubtful), I was willing to take a chance of that happened (less then 20 percent to complete straight or flush on river; allso, I was allmost sure that he does not have this), because possible reward was very big(him "bluffing" on my 2 pairs).

crazydonk's picture

INFORMATION THAT IS MEANT FOR EVERY VIDEO that I posted:  I have provided very in-depth explanation. My thinking time in the video is less then one second for every move. How is this possible?
I have played alot of HU games(Hypers). I can do very quick decisions but only if I determine how my opponent is playing(his ranges,...) If I do that I am playing allmost automatic - less then second before my move(I have played alot, so I have experienced alot of situations like this; and most of the time results of situations are the same,...). But If I want to explain this to other poker players, I must write better explanation why I did every move(and I must write alot more - especially If i want to make videos that are understandable for begginer poker players). In the video I put thoughts (briefly explanation). And then I put better explanation (alot more written) in additional information if I think that some sentence or move in the video needs additional explanation ( or if someone ask me for better explanation). I am doing everything allmost automatic in reality (becouse of reasons mentioned above plus some more).