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kaligula's picture
poker stars or full tilt / for husng 10- 20$ buyin level

hello im new to the site, started playing HUsng couple of weeks ago. i was playing six max alot, was preaty good for a while made it to nl200, but tilt isuess almost drove me to busto land. so i started with something new after i found out for a site( i wont advertise it) which has lots of free stuff for HUsng. i played on ipoker this month and i grind it out from 1$ buyin to 10$,roll of  400$ after startingwith 41$. bragging of course :)so now im looking to change site. i have a very good rakeback deal on ipoker but the action is low( lots of stupid regs, wanting to batle it out with each other- I DONT GET IT), im playing normal speed, i like it more than turbo, at least for now until i improve alot more. i was wondering which would be beter poker stars with their program or straight rake back deal on full tilt for this 10-204 , maybe even 30$ buyin level. i do have a poker stars account but i havent played on it. as for full tilt i dont have it so i could make an account here on husng.com so that i would get that free membership. so what would u recomend poker stars or full tilt???ps. sorry for my english

kaligula's picture
can anybody help me out?

can anybody help me out? which site is beter for regular speed for 10-20$buyin level poker stars or full tilt? im asking becouse im wondering what is beter , 27% rakeback on full tilt or the vip program on stars? thank you

qattack's picture
Hi Kaligula, I read your post

Hi Kaligula, I read your post the other day but didn't respond because I only play on PokerStars.I can tell that if you are only considering rakeback, FullTilt is probably the site to go with. If you play on PokerStars, you will need to achieve Supernova status to receive any decent rakeback. You would then be getting 28% in addition to some decent bonuses. However, it's nearly impossible to attain Supernova playing 30s. Daily volume requirements would be insane, and you still wouldn't make it until the end of the year.As far as game quality at $30s, I'm guessing PokerStars is the best choice from what I've heard. But I cannot say that for a fact.

kaligula's picture
thanks for your answer. im

thanks for your answer. im courently playing on Ipoker adn i have great rakeback deal but like i wrote action is very low but again quality of players aint that good eaither. im thinking full tilt becouse of my small roll so every $ is good especaly on small stakes. do u know any calculations  of how many 30s would i have to play on stars to get to super nova. im seeing that the action is good on stars and i will definatly move to stars, after i improve. alsow stars turbos seem beter than on full tilt.

qattack's picture
To attain Supernova, you will

To attain Supernova, you will need to play ... I hope you're sitting down!!! ... 12,122 SNGs at the $30 stakes. (!!)You need 100,000 VPP. For each $1 of rake, you earn 5.5 VPP. The rake at $30s is $1.50, so you will earn (1.5 * 5.5) = 8.25 VPP per SNG.100,000/8.25 = 12,122If you play every day, that is 33 per day. Yes, it's doable. At turbo speeds, this is slighty over three hours per day. But as I said, that's 365 days of the year. And you won't achieve Supernova for an entire year at that rate.To be fair, you will pick up $1000 in "milestone" bonuses along the way, and a $1000 bonus when you reach Supernova. The first $1000 in bonuses will be spread out nicely and are basically free. You will need to "buy" the $1000 bonus with FPP, which means that you really only gain $200 over a normal bonus from this. So that's an additional $1200 basically. That is an added 6.6% in "rakeback". Once you achieve Platinum status, which would take you about a month, you will be earning the equivilent of 20% rakeback. So really, if you can wait a while for your other 6.6% in rakeback, and you are sure you can achieve Supernova, then PokerStars is likely your best bet.At the start of the next year, you are already Supernova, and you will get 28% rakeback PLUS the added 6.6%.

kaligula's picture
wow u realy put in some time

wow u realy put in some time for this replay. im alsow seeing that under almost every video on this site u leave a coment. im guessing u are preaty serius about your game +1. thanks alot for this. i see that reaching supernova is alot of playing to do. im courently a lilte shy of 30 buyin for the 20s. im studying alot by watching videos so this is taking alot of my poker time which i have set for a day. i hope that in 2 month i will be able to try this supernova project out. it all depends from my bankroll and my overall development in the HUsng teritory. but if all goes well( no tilt) i think i can do it, but of course it all depends. but its duable , if i can reach 50 buyins for shure. but till the 30s i will most likely be on full tilt. like i wrote before, thanks alot for your replay.

jackoneill's picture
Well, I'm planning on going

Well, I'm planning on going SuperNova next year, but I'm playing the $50's.  The rake at the $50's is $2.50, so this'd require 7274 matches, or 20 per day.That's still very though, however .... my plan here is to move back to the $100's not later than early March, and hopefully move up to the $200's in late November / early December.I'm currently very confident that I beat the $50's, and I've already played on $100 before - so it's basically just a matter of grinding a reasonable bankroll.  And then, playing 8-9 months on the $100's should hopefully be enough to develop the necessary skill sets to beat the $200's.I'm simply setting myself a target of 15.000 VPP till the end of March 2011 and 80.000 VPP till the end of October 2011 - that's 364 matches per month on the $50's and 338 per month on the $100's, a reasonable target.  And even if plan to move up to $200 fails, I can still do 728 matches in November and December.Regarding the rakeback calculations, you need to subtract $45 from your total monthly rakeback for playing on Stars.  That's the equivalent of getting 12 months of premium membership which you'd get for free by making $250 MGR on one of the other rakeback sites.For me, it's not so much about getting the most rakeback, it's about doing the right thing for the future.  Long-term, I really want to beat the $100's and move up to $200, and I want to be able to play during normal European evening times, rather than waking up in the middle of the night to get any action.  So all these smaller sites are not an option for me, which just leaves Stars or Full Tilt.I've already been Platinum VIP during a couple of months this year and I really like the software, so in 2011 I really want to go Super Nova.Can't say much about Full Tilt, I only played very few lower-stakes husng's there and I don't have any account there anymore since about 1.5 years.

meatwad's picture
Personally I am with

Personally I am with jackoneill here.  I prefer the structure on Stars and at the 55s there seems to be much better traffic.  I don't think reaching SN at either the 33s or 55s is that hard if you are willing to multi-table.  Also - I am not sure the qattack's rackback % on Stars is correct.  There is this link on 2+2:http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/28/internet-poker/pokerstars-rakeback-...Basically SN looks like its 38%+ which is much better than FT.  Perhaps these numbers have changed again? MW

qattack's picture
That "rakeback" chart is

That "rakeback" chart is deceiving. Looking at each level, it assumes you are already that level before you start accumulating FPPs.For example, the FPPs accumulated for Supernova is 350,000, but that is a rate of 3.5x FPPs/VPP starting from zero, which of course is not the case. You begin by earning 1:1 FPP, then 1.5:1, 2:1, 2.5:1, and finally 3.5:1.So the total you would earn = ((750*1)+(2250*1.5)+(4500*2)+(92500*2.5)) = 244,375You will gain $1800 in "milestone" bonuses (or whatever they are called under 100,000 VPP). Those will cost you 50,000 FPP. (slightly more)This leaves you with 194,375. The bonus rate is 1.6 cents/FPP. That is $3110, assuming you save FPPs for a Supernova $4000. Of course, you will need to save a bit longer, as you don't have the FPP to purchase the bonus.So the total "rakeback" is ($1800 + $3110) = $4910To achieve 100,000 VPP, you contribute (100,000/5.5) = $18,182.Rakeback % = $4910/$18,182 = 27%.This is even less than my above-stated "rakeback" for PS. Why, I'm not sure. But that's how to work it out. I may not have subtracted 50,000 FPP for the milestone bonus purchase.After attaining Supernova (after your first year), you can then use that chart for Supernova calculations. 

meatwad's picture
Thanks Qattack - this makes

Thanks Qattack - this makes sense.Another point is that FT deducts from rackback for bonuses etc.  Their true rb is lower than 27%. MW

dzikijohnny's picture
You also have to factor in

You also have to factor in the higher rake at Full Tilt.  Their standard speeds are the equivalent to Pokerstar's Turbos.FTP $20+$1         4.76% rake ~3.67% rake after rakeback  PS  $22+$1          4.34% rake So if you get an automatic 8.82% rakeback by playing Stars and the Stellar Milestones add slightly over 7%.    So lets say you auto get 16% all you have to get is more than 11%  rbe for vpp for Stars to be the same.http://www.fpppro.com/pokerstars-rakeback.php

jackoneill's picture
And you also need to factor

And you also need to factor in that you could get free HUSNG.com membership by playing on Full Tilt and making $250 MGR each month.However, I wouldn't base my decision between these two sites on rakeback percentages, but on which structure you feel more comfortable with.

katty1's picture
it always depends on where

it always depends on where you come from when you are searching for a new poker / betting room. There are different conditions and different betting laws for diffenernt countries.. always keep that in mind! Can save you from a lot of problems, especially when you start playing higher.

Piratematerial's picture
i cant believe you have no

i cant believe you have no action at the 10/20 lvl at ipoker.. its a huge network.. :Pif you have to chose between ft and stars go with ft for your situation. I have been supernova for a long time but when i didnt feel like playing so much anymore it was gone in 2 months. Just losing the status cost me thousands of dollars, that would never happen on FT.