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Tightfish's picture
Population tendencies at 15s.

Can anybody unanimously tells me, how often should I expect check/raise from population on 15s? My sample size is not big enough to find out it.

Thanks :)

3onthego's picture
Will depend on how often you

Will depend on how often you do all sorts of other things.

For example if you always reraise all in without fail then I would say they will XR you about 35-40% of the time depending on your opening frequency.

Try it out and let me know.


Barrin's picture
The population tendency has

The population tendency has nothing to do with how his opponents adjust.

TBH i do believe population tendencies should not be your biggest worry. Furthermore you did not tell us what speed you play


3onthego's picture
His population tendancy does.

I agree: he should worry more what his population is doing against him.

If he is playing in way which is very different from the "population" up until his opponents' XR  then the "population tendency" (sic) is meaningless to him and how he should respond.