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twostate's picture
Primo at Cardrunners?

Just saw Primo is now a coach at CR. Does that mean he won't be making vids here anymore?

Diceman's picture
 hey, twostate, you can

hey, twostate, you can find an answer to that here: http://www.husng.com/content/primo-gone

RyPac13's picture
Only members can see that

Only members can see that thread, so for all non-members:

Primo has about 7-8 videos still to be made/released here.

He will be making two videos a month at Cardrunners once these are completed.

So you'll get about 7-8 videos from Primo here, then he'll be making 2 a month at CR for the forseeable future.

We wish him the best.

twostate's picture
I'm in two minds about this.

I'm in two minds about this. It's a great honour for him no doubt, but definitely going to miss his videos and input around here. I also like this little corner of the internet that not everybody knows about, but I guess more people that know about HUSNG's the more people play them which is good for us :)

Congratulations and good luck Primo!