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soulouri's picture
Profits vs Progression

Hi guys,

I would like some opinions from players that have moved or are currently moving up through the limits about profits vs progression.

I am currently playing a mix of the 5 and 10 euro games at NoiQ since i've had some time off and I am starting to rebuild (plus they have rakeback which makes me stay away from stars for the moment even though half my roll is there).  But I must say that NoiQ has some of the softest games i've ever played.  

The players are extremely loose passive, and often do really spewy things such as betting pot when they miss their draws on the river.  For this reason, even though I know I have my own leaks which I am working on, I don't think playing opponents such as this is really helpful to my game, and considering that on NoiQ the 5/10 games run bad enough as it is (4-5 at once max), the 20s are hardly ever running, and I dont know about 50+ but they only go 50/75/100 as far as I can see and are normally empty.

Should I continue playing like this?  Obviously this seems stupid because who wouldn't want to play if they feel they have a big edge, but since there is basically zero action if I grind these out enough to move up, I wouldn't know where to go, and I am afraid that moving to another site and immediately playing the 20s or 30s would put me at somewhat of a disadvantage.

I think the most logical answer is to grind out a BR for $20 games and switch to another site and start with the $10 until I am comfortable but I'd still like some advice.  On stars I am a slight winner, with rakeback I'd of moved up already but without a deal I am just short of my goal.  

Finally, if anyone has any advice about a good site I can get a rakeback deal on where they have some relatively good HU SNG action (I was thinking cake) I would appreciate it.  I am a European player so I don't have any restrictions as far as I know, but I really don't want to keep playing on stars and be missing out on the extra padding for my BR.


xSCWx's picture
It seems like you already

It seems like you already have the answer to this, but if you can't get action above $10 games on your current site then you will eventually need to move somewhere else. You can earn much higher than the ~$1/game at higher stakes, so sticking to $10 games just because the site is soft would really be hurting your long term profit.