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melcool's picture
program for analyzing Husng games
  • hi can some one tell me what is the best program i must use to track my games and analyze my game for heads up sng ???
manolo's picture
Get Holdem Manager for

Get Holdem Manager for tracking/replaying. For simple analysis use pokerstove and if you want to go deeper with your analysis use pokerazor or stoxev.

Newff's picture
In Holdem Manager, how do I

In Holdem Manager, how do I play a full tourney? I try to do it by selecting the tourney and then "replay all" but the hands are not in order.

Burki's picture
Hands not in order

Works for me. Did you sort the hands by time before replaying?

olionion's picture
 Hi, any particular reasons

 Hi, any particular reasons why holdem manager is better than pokertracker, never used manager before .  Does it offer anything in addition to PTR?


melcool's picture
i know poker manager but i

i know poker manager but i understood its very good  for cash game not for hup sngs

FreakOfNature's picture
@ Neff - yeah, click the

@ Neff - yeah, click the time tab twice and you should be good.

about HEM, it pretty much does whatever you want it to do and if not you can request it as the support are pretty good there. Thers is a guest leakfinder video on here from bigsage using HEM - that may be worth checking out to see how he uses it and then you can have a look if you think you will benifit from it as not everyone does. Apart from all the other stuff, just having results saved and being able to filter in many different ways is worth the money for me

SnG's picture
But HEM makes no difference

But HEM makes no difference between turbos and non-turbos, right ?

olionion's picture
 Does it stop you spewing

 Does it stop you spewing chips and going on tilt, if so ill take 3 of them..... ahhh time to close FTP for the day....