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ntm33's picture
question about pbogz video journey in his mind

in the recreational part with dan, paul says king 3 suited is a raise call versus a non all in 3b but this hand is not so weak to call a non all in 3b ?

ok if paul says that i think its good but does this hand really play very well post flop ?

coffeeyay's picture
It's fine. Only needs to be

It's fine. Only needs to be "good enough" to make it better called than folded because of pot-odds :) With some reads or particularly large 3b sizing you can hero fold, but vs most 3-bets it's a fine hand to call with. It's suited so it's decent post.

pbogz1114's picture
It is a fine play, but you

It is a fine play, but you can also decide to limp call up to a 3x with that hand if you choose :) 

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ntm33's picture
is coffecalcs is good to know

is coffecalcs is good to know what type of hand i have to mine raise / call-fold, or limp / call- fold versus any opponent ?