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FreakOfNature's picture
Questions and/or comments about older videos

I'm just working my way through alot of videos that I haven't watched yet (some are quite old).If I have any questions or feedback regarding them, is it better to make a thread in here or still use the comments page? do the comments ever get checked after a while? Do people still mind answering questions on old videos or is it a chore?Also, I'm sure this has been brought up before somewhere, but would it be possible in future videos to have a link for the hand histories in the videos? For situations like this it would be great because I could copy/paste the hand/s I have questions on, and will probably be easier for the coaches or people that respond to them, too, because it might mean not digging through old vids.

RyPac13's picture
The best way to to get

The best way to to get feedback on older videos is to PM the coach after you have replied with a link to your reply (or the video's comments area).Mentioning the time in the video and describing the situation as best you can in your comment is also ideal.Coaches respond to just about every question asked in their recent videos, but I've noticed that members that contact coaches directly like this also get almost every question answered, even on very old videos.*Skates and Croixdawg may not be as likely to respond quickly, same with Primo.