First couple hands here will be sort of general/generic population hands in smaller spots.Villain is a fish in that he's lost a lot of money, but he's not completely braindead/spewy. He's trying to think about poker, just does it quite badly. I've played him a few times, but that's about all I remembered since it was awhile ago on another computer.So far this match: he raises either 40 or 60 preflop. All I know about that so far is that he cbet 80 into 120 on a 393r flop (I c/f), and 40 into 80 on a KJ4r flop (he folded to my 3x c/r). So his preflop smaller size didn't hit that broadwayish board too hard. Not sure what to make of his cbet sizing.Given that, how do you proceed on the flop here? No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$30 + $1.50 Heads Up Sit & Go Hand converted by the official hand converter BBHero1630 SBpzzz11370 Effective Stacks: 69bb Blinds 10/20 Pre-Flop (30, 2 players) Hero is BB pzzz1 raises to 60, Hero calls 40 Flop (120, 2 players) Hero checks, pzzz1 bets 80, Hero ...-------------------------------------------------------------------I folded here, but it seems not awesome in hindsight. It seems to me that the choice here is between flatting and c/r'ing. I suppose folding is an option, but he had been pretty passive to this point. I guess if we c'r we're usually just folding out worse, and he might not even have that much 9x and 6x that folds on later streets. If we flat we can play pretty passively and just try to show down vs. worse since we have no reads that he barrels (and the rest of his play didn't suggest that). How does your response change if we find out that he likes to check back marginal SD value like Ahigh?
Take my thoughts for what they are worth but your hand is pretty weak on this board. You have a gutshot, a backdoor flush and maybe some pair outs. This flop hits a lot of hands so check-raising here will not have much fold equity. Depending on how lose villain is he can call with any 6, 7, 8, 9 or T as well as hands like QJ, KQ, KJ and maybe even any two over cards. Some of those hands might ship over your raise as well. You are also out of position so even if floating here does gain you a free card on the turn it will difficult to extract any value if you hit. I absolutely suck at floating OOP so maybe I'm just not doing it right. I think folding is the best option.
yeah you've basically expressed my thoughts in a clearer form, so I wanted to see if there is anything in them I should change.
Hand is vs a player with very fishy stats. This is about 3-4 hands in, first time postflop. He did snap-fold to a minraise when I opened my first button, so I would assume that he can fold a bit/isn't just trying to station out in all spots. Full Tilt Poker $50 + $2.50 Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 1236202 DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter Hero (BB): t1500 75 BBs KingdomBavaria (BTN/SB): t1500 75 BBs Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is BB with 9 A KingdomBavaria raises to t60, Hero calls t40 Flop: (t120) T 4 3 (2 players) Hero checks, KingdomBavaria bets t120, Hero raises to t1440 all in, KingdomBavaria calls t1320 all in Turn: (t3000) 2 (2 players - 2 are all in) River: (t3000) 4 (2 players - 2 are all in)If he had bet a smaller amount on the flop I probably would have flat called with basically direct odds and the best hand a lot. When he bets 120, suddenly I can win a fair amount by taking the pot down now, and he doesn't need to have much air for jamming to be +EV.Question is what is the most +EV line here. I guess I can c/r small and then barrel off with a ton of equity, but I sort of hate doing that early vs. a fish. C/c is ok since I just end up showing down the best hand a lot, but it does give his air free chances to suck out with ok equity, and lets him show down crappy pairs (since I don't think bluffing the river will be great).Looking back I sort of like just c/c'ing my equity early and looking to valuebet any pair I pick up, but would like some input. Most of the hands that I post will be me posting about being unsure OOP in both single-raised and 3-bet pots vs. various types of players, since I feel like my biggest consistent leaks are there atm.
Personally I'd c/r this board against any betsize. We have a lot of feq, he can jam with worse draws and we can barrel him off midpairs in most cases.I really dislike your jam this deep, tbh. He can play perfectly against it and you dont allow him to make big mistakes. In my opinion, c/r a normal size and go from there.
With the A7dd, I probably peel especially given the backdoor fd. It's definitely marginal, though. You have a good handle on it for thinking that it's marginal.I also think a smaller check/raise size is best, mostly because we really don't want a hand like 87ss to fold (it would be correct to vs a reasonable jamming range from you). If you want, put in a really silly big check/raise that gives you a potsized bet left, and jam most turns. That'll do better than just the big overbet jam. People will continue with some pretty ridiculous hands to continue with, and they'll definitely peel with those lower fds.
Yeah, I like the big c/r idea. My usual instinct would be to c/r smaller. At the time I was really tired and my thinking was "I don't want to make a huge mistake so I jam", which is obv suboptimal.Out of curiousity, what turn would you NOT jam? like 3/4? Tx shouldn't make a big difference since that was gonna call a lot anyway. Seems like if people are peeling wide enough, there's not really any bad jamming card.
Villian is a reg, like 6% winner at the 50s. I have about 150 hands on him. He's tight OOP pre (not relevant here), but does like to make some plays post, particularly when I checkraise (HATES folding/pays off multiple streets with like Khigh and no draw). I hadn't played him in a few weeks, so his game may have changed.Relevant for this hand is that we're about 4 hands into the match, he's 2-tabling, and I had 4bet 300 over his 110 3bet a couple hands prior. He had never 4bet me (12 chances to do it so far). I'm 3betting pre because he's flatted some pretty trashy hands before, and I expect him to flat a wide range I beat. Obviously if I fold hands like this regularly it's retarded. I do know that I look fairly aggressive to him both pre and postflop.Full Tilt Poker $50 + $2.50 Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 1237154 DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter BTN/SB: t1310 65.50 BBs Hero (BB): t1690 84.50 BBs Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is BB with J A BTN/SB raises to t40, Hero raises to t120, BTN/SB raises to t320, Hero requests TIME, 1 fold Next hand is the same player. He checks back about 35% of flops, and I haven't gotten to SD vs. it much. Once when I did it was AQ on an AKJr board, but he's also cbet TPGK on Ahigh boards before. Full Tilt Poker $50 + $2.50 Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15/t30 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 1237166 DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter BTN/SB: t1040 34.67 BBs Hero (BB): t1960 65.33 BBs Pre Flop: (t45) Hero is BB with 2 A BTN/SB raises to t60, Hero calls t30 Flop: (t120) 2 T J (2 players) Hero checks, BTN/SB checks Turn: (t120) 4 (2 players) Hero checks, BTN/SB bets t65, Hero calls t65 River: (t250) 9 (2 players) Hero checks, BTN/SB checks I think my line here is fine/std, but at the time, I was thinking of c/r'ing turn. He won't slowplay Jx on this flop, although he may check back weak Tx and pocket pairs. He also would check back a decent amount of air and Ax that I beat, along with hands that have picked up flush and straight draws now.I think if I c/r I fold out a lot of hands that I'm ahead of but that play well vs. me on the river in position and can valuebet thin if they hit, especially since he thinks I valuebet thin myself, so I don't have much Tx here, maybe not even a ton of 4x. Main question is if pairs that call a turn c/r are folding to a river barrel when draws miss on the river.
Hand 1: I think this is a fold. AQ would suck in this spot. What do you do with AQ in this spot, mers?Hand 2: Yes, standard. C/raising makes sense as you described but the problem is that if he is good he realizes that you rep next to nothing and may float / 3bet you.
Hand 1:No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players • FullTiltPoker$50 + $2.50 Heads Up Sit & Go Hand converted by the official hand converter SBHero1500 BBLuckyladyOlya1500 Effective Stacks: 50bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 60, LuckyladyOlya raises to 180, Hero raises to 375, LuckyladyOlya calls 195 Flop (750, 2 players) LuckyladyOlya checks, Hero bets 135, LuckyladyOlya calls 135 Turn (1020, 2 players) LuckyladyOlya checks, Hero bets 585, LuckyladyOlya folds motherf****er I posted a whole long thing and then it got cut off. try again...Cliff's: 3rd match (first 2 were short and I won with coolers); villain is reggy, I just 3bet villain and she folded, I think there is a good chance she spite 3bets given that she did exactly the same thing the only other time I raised following my own 3betting. Obviously the second one can be strong etc but she also has folded to like 7/7 3bets at this point while not being that tight in other phases of the game so I think there is a decent amount of frustration here.Postflop I feel ok about given that most of the range is broadways (flushdraws ship the flop a ton and she SNAPshoved AJo over a 4bet earlier, so I there's not much stubborn Ax in range).
Hand 2:No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players • FullTiltPoker$50 + $2.50 Heads Up Sit & Go Hand converted by the official hand converter BBHero1995 SBLuckyladyOlya1005 Effective Stacks: 34bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is BB LuckyladyOlya raises to 60, Hero calls 30 Flop (120, 2 players) Hero checks, LuckyladyOlya bets 60, Hero raises to 180, LuckyladyOlya calls 120 Turn (480, 2 players) Hero bets 150, LuckyladyOlya calls 150 River (780, 2 players) Hero checks, LuckyladyOlya checks Final Pot: 780 Hero shows a pair of Sixes LuckyladyOlya shows a pair of Sixes same player a couple hands later.
No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$50 + $2.50 Heads Up Sit & Go Hand converted by the official hand converter SBHero1985 BBVigil441015 Effective Stacks: 34bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 60, Vigil44 calls 30 Flop (120, 2 players) Vigil44 checks, Hero checks Turn (120, 2 players) Vigil44 bets 90, Hero raises to 225, Vigil44 calls 135 River (570, 2 players) Vigil44 checks, Hero checks Final Pot: 570 Hero shows Vigil44 shows a pair of Sixes Vigil44 wins 570 ( won +285 ) Hero lost -285 About 25 hands in, villain was c/c or c/r'ing a ton of flops, so I didn't want to cbet, especially since I would pick up equity to play with on a lot of turns. On the turn he has a lot of pairs and draws when he leads, so I feel like I give myself the best chance to win the pot by raising turn and barrelling a lot of rivers, since I don't have much SD value and he is less likely to fold the river when I just flat the turn. We had not been in this spot before, and I'm very open to different turn plans.On the river I just don't think I can make many pairs fold at all, would anyone bet here?
No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$50 + $2.50 Heads Up Sit & Go Hand converted by the official hand converter SBHero1715 BBVigil441285 Effective Stacks: 43bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is SB Hero raises to 60, Vigil44 raises to 120, Hero calls 60 Flop (240, 2 players) Vigil44 bets 90, Hero raises to 225, Vigil44 calls 135 Turn (690, 2 players) Vigil44 checks, Hero bets 225, Vigil44 goes all-in 940, Hero calls 715 River (2570, 2 players, 1 all-in) Final Pot: 2570 Hero shows a straight, Jack high Vigil44 shows a pair of Jacks Hero wins 2570 ( won +1285 ) Vigil44 lost -1285 Same villain as above, a couple hands later. He had 3bet once before, 140 over my 40 open. Obviously flatting almost ATC to this sizing. Earlier in the match he c/r'd me on a T67cc flop, called a 3bet, and folded to a turn jam, which indicates he probably will raise draws.On the flop I raise mainly to protect my equity/for value vs. draws, since I hate seeing a Q/K/A on the turn. Turn doesn't change much, so I bet small for value from Ax/draws, and also since those hands spazz jam over a lot. How is thought process there?
This is the second hand against a fish. Don't remember the first hand, it was pretty standard iirc.
I'd bet flop bigger. No need to balance vs a fish. Turn b/f seems fine.
Yeah, just want to make sure b/f isn't too nitty, but thinking of his range before I bet and what will raise, I think it's fine/best.
"Out of curiousity, what turn would you NOT jam? like 3/4? Tx shouldn't make a big difference since that was gonna call a lot anyway. Seems like if people are peeling wide enough, there's not really any bad jamming card." The only turns I wouldn't jam are actually when we complete our flush, I think a smaller inducing bet is generally going to do best.
I think the AJ fold to the 4bet is perfectly fine vs most $50 regs who are winners and haven't 4bet before.
I would lead turn as standard with the A2. A check raise on the turn is reasonable as long as you follow through on the river, I expect him to call then fold a decent amount with his Tx/4x etc. It would be better if there weren't a flush draw on the turn.
"Hand 1: I think this is a fold. AQ would suck in this spot. What do you do with AQ in this spot, mers?"I agree, it sucks. That's a much closer question. It's a jam-or-fold decision OOP and I would probably jam, but not loving it. There are definitely regs you could fold against.
With the Q3 hand, I would make a real c-bet. He's actually correct to call your bet with any two and likely will do so, just bet/fold t300 imo. Turn looks good as played.
T9 hand looks fine, some different things you can do depending on tendencies but your line is completely reasonable vs a lot of people.
"On the turn he has a lot of pairs and draws when he leads, so I feel like I give myself the best chance to win the pot by raising turn and barrelling a lot of rivers, since I don't have much SD value and he is less likely to fold the river when I just flat the turn." It's a little weird to me that you go so quickly from this reasoning to saying we can't bluff on this river. I think c-betting is still going to be better unless his c/r % is insanely high (in which case you can and should actually play back with a hand like this). On the turn, you're right that he has a lot of pairs/draws, but I don't think he's folding them at all, and I would probably just flat as played or raise and barrel river.
I would flat the flop bet with the J8 given that his preflop 3betting size is pretty nutted and we're unlikely to raise/bet/bet and get all streets of value that way anyway. After he just flats the flop raise though, your play is perfectly fine, unlucky.
Two questions:1:
Do we have enough equity to call turn without a plan to bet river when we miss at least sometimes? Calling off 90 chips to win 210 when he folds a decent bit of the time when he hit seems problematic, especially given that we have no SD value.I think this leads into a larger question, which I also brought up in meatwad's thread: in spots where you're in position, and your opponent's range on the turn is weak/drawy/unlikely to be super-strong by the river, how do you go about setting up your river bluffs? Obviously a very broad topic, but I'd like to discuss in the context of hands like that (one where we have a strong draw but little SD value, and another where we have ok SD value but not much of a draw).Question 2:
What are a couple things you can do? To make the question less abstract...let's assume a villain who doesn't love folding to checkraises, cbets a wide range, and doesn't 2barrel much. hand vs. a reg. He sits the 30s and 50s a lot, but I had never played him, sat him cause action was slow. Only thing he had seen was me limp the first hand with 85o (may as well see what he does), stab an Ahigh flop, and then check down.Flop is a little close in terms of whether to cbet or not, but as a default I bet. Flatting takes some draws out of his range, although obviously not all. It also takes out some strong Qx. His range on the turn would be mostly 9x/8x/weaker Qx/pocket pairs along with Ahigh/Khigh+gutter type and like some low straight draws. Ya?Turn is the toughest decision in the hand imo. He takes some flushdraws out of his range by c/c flop, especially A/Khigh flushdraws, so he will c/r turn with turned flushes a lot imo. This means that if he c/c turn (which he will do with a ton of the made hands that call flop) we can bet river and get folds a lot from 9x, maybe Qx depending on river. We also get paid a lot when we hit a 5 or an A, since those hands don't look like much of our range at all.So I'm mostly curious how my turn thought process is, and also what we would do on like a Kx or 2x river. As played I think the river is a must bet based on what he gets to the river with.
Quick checkup hand: 5th hand in, Villain is a n00bfish according to SS. In the first hand he limped, potted a 459r flop, potted an 8 turn (no flushdraw), and folded to my c/r (I turned a straight). Also he's Italian, and Italians are generally weirdly aggro and incredibly fishy ime.Is the flop call ok? Obviously people make this kind of bet for protection. And then turn is gah...I snap-called it off because of his ethnicity, but I'm curious if there are general player pool reads that would make people fold. I'm starting to think that I station out wayyyyy too hard vs. fish in spots like these, and I think it may be hurting my winrate.
"I snap-called it off because of his ethnicity"I LOLed when I read this. I have noticed some crazy play from Italians as well but I never gave it any serious weight before.
"he's kind of a station... He will call off multiple streets with 2nd or 3rd pair in 3bet pots""I don't think he will call off 2 more streets without an 8, but I think he will call one."IMO this seems like a classic case of trying to bluff a station. Although I agree that a 3-bet is good against this villain, I'd either check flop and be done or fire one and be done. Firing 3-streets with no real equity seems like a mistake to me. is a pretty scheissy turnspot. Here are reads:about 30 hands in vs. a guy who had only 3 matches SS, but had clearly played some HUSNG before. He was 3betting 30%, and this was his first flat of the match. He was 3x'ing everything, even at this blindlevel, so probably not an awesome player overall. Postflop reads:raised pre, cbet 150/180 on AJTss, folded to a c/r.OOP: he c/r'd an AT3dd flop in a limped pot, checked Jx turn, c/f to a halfpot bet on a K river. c/r'd a Q73r flop in another limped pot and then bombed a 5 turn.Last read I had was that he c/r'd and then snap-c/f a J72r flop.I check the flop because it hits a flatting range so hard, especially since he 3bet a lot (but had slowed down since I went to a mixed limp/raise strategy). The frequency with which he was check-raising in limped pots had me thinking i was going to get c/r'd here a very high percentage.On the turn I'm really unsure between raise and call. Against a lot of regs I would raise/call here, since my line looks FOS and people will jam a lot of draws. This guy doesn't seem to be able to follow up with that kind of play though. I suppose looking back at the earlier hands that he c'r'd or 3bet and then gave up, I should probably flat here.Looking at my HHs now I'm finding myself in a lot of tough spots when I don't cbet flop. At the same time, I really hate cbetting on boards that just get me c/r'd off my hand a ton, especially since my equity still isn't that bad here on the flop. would not c-bet here, this basically hammers his flatting range, but c-betting can never be that bad. As played I like the triple barrel a lot, nh and more importantly, well reasoned. I would also barrel a Kx/2x river. think I just jam flop especially given early description. It plays much better against his draws and you see people call off some ridiculous stuff here, like A2. I'm fine with a call as played.I would just fold a hand like 75. 86 is where I start to get a little more queasy about jamming flop, those random 8s in the middle do make a difference. strongly prefer a call on the turn, especially to this sizing, which is going to include a lot of two pair+. I actually think raising would be a pretty large error, we get value out of some draws which have pretty good equity against you but raise/calling and raise/folding just get us owned by big portions of his range, much more so than the additional value that we get, imo. For what it's worth, I also think people don't jam with draws when you raise here as often as you might think, but that's just been my experience. It's still enough that the thought of raise/folding makes me unhappy.
Thanks for feedback on that last hand, as I think that spot is one where I autopilot and just click buttons (as opposed to weird river spots or barrelling decisions that I tend to think harder about).Here's a hand from today vs. a reg. He has some pretty big leaks; the biggest one is that he's kind of a station, especially to 3bets, folds like 30% of the time over a decent sample, and I've seen him show up with like 76o. He will call off multiple streets with 2nd or 3rd pair in 3bet pots, but did fold to a river jam on a 54Acc 3c 7x board when I 3bet and tripled.He sits me today on FTP to make a video, and this hand happens early on: my reads, I think QJs is a mandatory (fu mers) 3bet here, because we get sooooooo much value when we both hit a pair, and it plays great vs. his flatting range.Pretty bad flop vs. his range, he almost has to have a pair or draw here. I bet small since I think he takes it as strong, and also because he tends to flat pairs rather than raise them. I think checking here might be better in hindsight, since a lot of his range also has draws, and those may raise. He hasn't raised a 3bet flop yet however, so I don't HATE my play, since we get value when a Q or J hits.Turn is where it gets interesting. I don't think he will call off 2 more streets without an 8, but I think he will call one. I can definitely have a decent amount of 8x (he's seen me 3bet crap, even though I've now tightened my range). The thing that sucks is that we don't really have any awesome outs, so we could be drawing very thin and to the non-nuts even when we do hit. I also don't know if he folds 2pair.Better to just check flop and be done? Given that we hit the turn, I'm really unsure of what to do. I think it's close between bluffing 2streets or c/folding; one bet doesn't have enough FE imo.
:) at mandatory commentI definitely agree with 3betting QJcc given your reads (especially if he's opening a wide range as well, which you didn't mention. opening range opening range opening range, damnit!).I do prefer checking this flop, but if you do bet, this small is good and well reasoned. I think I just give up on the turn to be honest, you're right that it'll take two shells and even though you can have an 8 it's still not a very overt part of your 3betting range at all and that's going to make him pretty curious.
re opening range opening opening range...would like to see other things like that that people say too often (that didn't get into flawed reasonings) :), I'm sure I do a lot of them, so would be useful to see.I spent like half an hour today screaming at one of my SAT students about how f***ed up his approach was and how he was pissing away equity in, probably not pedagogically sound, but it's fun to rant about common mistakes sometimes.
Cool, I'll make opening range a more explicit part of my thought process, I mostly think about it in endgame right now. Didn't mention it here since it was pretty standard, something like the usual 65-70%, i.e. high enough that the decision to 3bet was actually pretty easy; we make money by folding a few things out, and most of the dominated flatting hands are still in there.For preflop vs. described opponent, what's the lowest you're 3betting for value? Like JTs? Or is QJ already there? I would def 3bet QJo fwiw, maybe not JT since he was spewy/stationy vs. checkraises, so I can get paid that way too.
You posted some very interesting hands so far :-)
Yeah, I totally agree in hindsight, clearly I should be going almost purely for value vs. a dude like that, both with my 3bets and subsequent postflop play.There's definitely a general population pool tendency among FTP regs these days (this guy was a 2p2er) to station out really hard, particularly facing checkraises, double/triple barrels when draws miss, and in 3bet pots. I'm consciously trying to make the adjustment from finding spots in which to bluff them to finding spots in which to valuebet thin (as they typically take bigger sizing as a sign of weakness tbh).This hand was not that, and is probably spew after the flop. The kind of thing that is great against someone like this (imo) is like c/r A2 on an AT9ss flop, or like K9 on a J93ss flop, as (ime) we're pretty far ahead of the range that a reg will call 2-3 barrels with on these boards.
I flat QJs readless, will 3bet on the small side if we're somewhat deep so that it's uncomfortable for him to jam over. I think vs that opponent QJ/QTs is probably the bottom of the value 3betting range.
" will 3bet on the small side if we're somewhat deep"Had not thought about that factor when I 3bet a wider value range that can't call a jam, but it makes total sense when I think about how I myself play vs. 3bets; thanks, that is really helpful.
Turnplay and river-betsizing question: is Italian. He lost the first match quickly, getting it in on a monotone flop with TPTK and the nut flush draw vs. my 2pair. More relevant for this hand is that in that first match he c/c 2streets, and then donked 180 into 320 on a river that completed the flop flush draw. I folded a low pair, and that was the only time he had taken that c/c then donk line.The turn is pretty interesting. He has 9x and 4x a LOT. At the time I kind of forgot about 4x tbh, and was mainly considering how to play vs. other 9x. The reason I flatted was that he has 9x and random shit (again, blanked on 4x). If he has a 9, he'll donk river or pay off a jam even when the flush hits, and if I raise I just get owned by T9.On the river, I sized my bet small since I thought his range was weird pairs, missed draws when he checks, so I want to induce or get paid by those.But now let's go back to the turn and not brainfart on 4x. I still think flatting is better, since he *might* fold 4x to a jam, but will definitely c/c a big river bet, maybe even an overbet. On the river, would you go with a PSbet (he would def call), or overjam? This is with the limited reads we have, but villain is def a fish.
I think I prefer flatting on the turn because it keeps much weaker hands in our range and allows us to get paid more on the river, he certainly can have 4x, but I'm not sure how much value we get out of that by raising/betting river anyway. It's a super weird line, regardless, and against weird lines I generally prefer to call in these situations because people will often bomb the river with ridiculous stuff if given the chance to, and raising shuts down that instinct a lot. I still think we can get a ton of value on a heart river if he does have 9x.On the river, I like a bet around 60% of the pot, enough to get a good amount of value out of 4x but not so much that he'll never call with anything worse. Just as an aside, if you had T9 yourself on this river, one mistake people make is putting out a potsized river bet - don't do that. Bet less than half the pot, which gets thin value from a lot of random hands, but makes it so that he'll definitely raise with his 9x. Then jam over that raise. That's the way to get max value from his entire range - more from his thin value hands, more from his missed draws which will raise the weak bet sometimes, and very often more from is 9x as well.
Thanks, makes sense.Have been crazy busy lately with work and Korean study, I'll try to jack in some volume starting today or tomorrow and find some more spots/questions.
Really cool idea with the small river bet to induce - I think I would have just overbet jammed a heart river and missed a ton of value with that.