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ColorDeFlop's picture
Stats HUsng turbo and reg speed

Hey ! I just wanna post my stats of my las two months of play. There are only 664 sng (turbo and reg speed) but I like to know what  do u guys think I´m doing well or wrong.

If somobody want to see more stats just tell me pls.



Thank you!

Kalupso's picture
Not a lot of stats here, but

Not a lot of stats here, but I think they show your biggest leaks.

Your preflop VPIP and PFR is low from both SB and BB and your turn Cbet is quite low. These are quite fundamental mistakes, so I would recommend you try to find an article or video that covers it. Check out Mers free ebook and the links bellow from it. http://www.husng.com/content/husngcom-presents-free-mersenneary-heads-up...

General stetegy at low stakes: http://www.husng.com/content/abc-heads-up-poker-setting-up-good-default-...

BB 20bb deep: http://www.husng.com/content/readless-ranges-what-do-20bb-deep-big-blind...

ColorDeFlop's picture
Ty so much Kalupso. The

Ty so much Kalupso. The reasons of having my turn cBet so low is because I only play vs fish players who tend to be calling a lot. But well, im trying to adjust it because they fold a lot in river too so ur right.


teddybloat's picture
