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soulouri's picture
Suggestion: Open forum

Hi all,

I am a member of husng.com, well, not currently, it expired a few days ago but I will renew as soon as there are a few more videos uploaded because they're really helping me with my game - anyone thinking of signing up I would suggest you do it right now!

The only thing I want to suggest though is to open the forums to non-members, specifically the hand histories. I know that some of the coaches reply and I absolutely agree that this should be in private forums, but the best forum on the net for HH discussion in HU SNG's is the 2+2 HU NL forum which also mixes in 50% cash game discussion.

I think if you made a section for non (paying) members to discuss strategy and hands on the HUSNG forum you would basically bring together all HUSNG players around the net (2+2ers, FTR, etc.) into one place and it would obviously give the HUSNG site fantastic exposure, not to mention help us guys trying to move up the limits.

Just a thought, hope you consider it.


RyPac13's picture
Thank you for your feedback,

Thank you for your feedback, it is something we will talk about.
I think you highlighted the positives well, so no need to rehash here.

jackoneill's picture
Well, what I really like at

Well, what I really like at this site is the above average forum where coaches take their time and answer questions or review hands.  That's a service which is really worth its money and one reason for me to renew my membership each month.
It's a unique service which you won't find for free anywhere else.
If you compare this to 2+2, sure there is a lot of good discussion, but it's also very high traffic - I mean, each time there's a new thread in this forum here, it's almost always worth reading it, but on 2+2 there's also a lot of noise with all the hu cash threads and beginners questions in between.