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Julian001's picture
There is something big going down with Ike Haxton v SkaiWalkurrr tonight .... can we get hands afterwards?

I'm new to the forum but would be good to get the hand histories for these games ... doesnt get much bigger than 3x $5000 turbos at a time ... not sure if i saw whole battle, i may have come in late to it at 19.36 WET but from the games i saw it ended 10 - 6 to Haxton up approx $20000 at 20.41 WET ...

RyPac13's picture
Seems like Ike wins again

Seems like Ike wins again against the best (He took gr33n for a bit a month or so ago, I think 50-100k range).
I believe he won 35-45k off Skai for now. Interesting battles, but can't tell much from such small samples, hopefully we get a long war between two good players soon.
If I can get some hands of it I'll be glad to post them.