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space4rent's picture
Time of day

anyone want to share their ideas on times and days to play and why

+has anyone noticed what happens to the action on special days i.e. holidays, sports events(cup, finals, superbowl) or around special poker events (PCA WSOP EPT less grinders/more fish?)

xSCWx's picture
The drunker people are the

The drunker people are the better the games are. Friday/Saturday/Sunday and 6pm+ US time seem to be prime time.

RyPac13's picture
12pm-5am EST is super fishy

12pm-5am EST is super fishy too, but your play might deteriorate at those hours as well, particularly if you don't usually stay up that late.

For low stakes, it's always fishy to be honest.  The closer you get to the $5/6 level, the less time of day has any impact at all.