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musashi1584's picture

         How is it possible to run more then  -10 buyins Ev in just 20 games(regular speed). Hands that i should win keep getting counterfited, and this after a long break even span of over 500 games. Has anybody else experianced this on other sites then stars, because I haven't. Had my fare share of beats but this almost seems like a glinch in the software

RyPac13's picture
No Musashi, nooo! Ugly runs

No Musashi, nooo!Ugly runs happen to most players, most pros have lost 10-15+ games in a row, and probably 19 out of 20.Post your 500 game EV graph, but even then, there are some nasty graphs around, hell I'll post a few now:

musashi1584's picture
eh, just realising some

eh, just realising some frustration, lost most of my 20-80%.  But I wonder how is it possible to make a living playing the game if you get patches of 1k games of breaking even? Thats like a month in play time. If u have bills and such to pay, how do u get past the variance, not talking about the mental part. You move down in stakes and use part of your roll?

RyPac13's picture
Just like when you own your

Just like when you own your own business, when you want to be a poker pro you have to be better at managing money, saving money and making money decisions.Well, you don't have to be, but you should be in my mind.The downside is that, yes, you will have months (not just one month, multiple, in a row) where you don't make money, maybe even lose money.But the positive is that you can make triple digit hourly rates by playing a game, one that realistically can often be learned from scratch in a year of very hard full time work (I mean the type of work that a top college level student puts forth in grad school).Of course, most people don't get into poker to work super hard, they get into poker to make some easy money. And easy money is there at times, but the hard earned money is so good and such a better (and more consistent) bet, that's what people should strive towards imo. What else can you work extremely hard at for a year to earn a 3 digit hourly rate in this world? Not many things that don't come without massive physical or legal risk.Anyways, the proper answer is that you should have a stable living area, back up plan, money saved up for a year or more of living expenses (rent/mortgage, food, insurance, entertainment, clothing, cell phone, electric, water, gas, anything else you need to buy) and you should put a full time effort into it (20-25 hours of playing, 10-20 hours of studying, slowly cut back on the studying and increase the playing as your hourly rate gets into the $25+ range, meaning when the decisions you make at the table are resulting in positive expectation quite consistently).If more people did the above, like they do with other jobs that pay triple digit hourlies, most current poker pros and people like me would be out of a job, that's for sure. Take advantage of poker's moral fallacy status in society. People think "omg poker, it's gambling, degeneracy." Take advantage of that, because a lot of very smart, very well built for this game people won't even consider playing for a living or studying the game hard because of the stereotypes out there.

exil's picture
"you should put a full time

"you should put a full time effort into it (20-25 hours of playing, 10-20 hours of studying)"It could be sometine difficult to put a big volume of playing & studying like that when you have a real job aside and you're working 35-40h/ weak (I know it's not the initial thread but I think some players are in my case).I really love poker & I trully love study it hard but for the moment I just don't have enought time... I started 2 tabling to put more volume (good result so far) and I study around 5-8h/weak. I'm often asking myself should I rather study more or play more knowing that I also want to keep (& I need to have) a balanced life (wife/sports/friends...).So I'll be interested to know if anybody have a scheduled plan for study/play & how you organize it when you have a real job (or school or whatever) asideThanks

Barrin's picture
For starters you might not

For starters you might not wanna use a 30 BI BRM if you go pro and are aware that you will have bills to pay.


busted_draw's picture
I mean,wow.Do we know which

I mean,wow.Do we know which players these graphs are to all pray for them,in order to run better???

RyPac13's picture
One of the graphs is from Max

One of the graphs is from Max "runittrim/redgrape" Steinberg (Heybude's brother, co author of suited-aces.com poker blog).The other graph is from a $200-1k HUSNG pro who wishes to remain anonymous.

carcinogen75's picture
 is it graph sux? (~7$,

how works ev graph line?? and why i have -EV Diff with all AA hands?? WTF?? Do i realy must look at red line? (my greenline always much higher EV line in graphs)