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TheCleaner01's picture
Variance and Adjusting to HUSNG.

Ive played 600 Hyper Turbos sf this year at PS $1.50 and Im slightly down. Im playing daytime and studying at night, trying to be disciplined. My next step is to give myself a total break at the weekend. To be fresh again for lady Poker on Modays :-)
So, I'm lost here.
I study and play constantly. Im not a complete nit and take advantage of situations whereever possible. I adjust and keep moving.
Maybe just humble me here, but I was kind of expecting that I would have seen some positive results from this grind ?
Please can someone help me move forwards without being soul crushed ?
I cant afford 1on1 coaching right now so I am studying the videos on the standard membership.
Thanks to everyone at HUSNG !

DavidC1712's picture
Look through your hand

Look through your hand history and post your biggest losing hands. This helped me a lot when I started playing poker.

TheCleaner01's picture
Thanks !

Will look at my tracker ASAP !

Go forth and CRUSH !

metonezajima's picture
whats your ROI%? the sample

whats your ROI%? the sample is very small so you cant make assumptions based on that. Check the variance calculator in free tools here. Thats hypers :D

ja03ia's picture
Yea 600 hypers anything can

Yea 600 hypers anything can happen. What does your AIEV line look like?

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Poker Tools - HUSNG


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TheCleaner01's picture
Heres my data so far.

My overall ROI for Jan/Feb is  -1.7
Thats -
554 Tournament @ $1.50 ROI +4.32
44 Tournament @ $3.50 ROI -24.94
1 Tournament @ $7.00 -100
Heres my EV graphs, Uggg ! If anyone can help me get the best out of this information it would be great.
My worst hands are -
K2o - K40
Q3o - Q5o
J2o - J6o
T2o - T8o / T2s - T6s
92o -97o / 92s - 96s
82o - 86o / 82s - 85s
72o - 75o / 72s - 75s
62o - 65o / 63s - 64s
52o - 54o / 52s - 53s
42o -43o / 42s - 43s
32o/s !
I cant believe I have played some of this junk, but there it is in black and white. ! Shame. Anyway my excuse is some of this is my bluffing range and semi bluffing range ?!%$**!
Ive only been using PT3 for a while so im still trying to get my head around how to use all this information.
I had a good chat with a experianced player on skype today and it really helped calm me down. Im still suprised that I cant beat this level, im no genius but im working hard, maybe not hard enough obviously.
Much respect to all those player out there who are +EV
Thanks for any advice.

Go forth and CRUSH !

RyPac13's picture
A few points: - 600 games is

A few points:
- 600 games is not a lot, especially if it is your first 600 games or very early in your playing days. Don't be too impatient, look at many top winners and their graphs, and you get the feeling that the long term is so much more important.
- Post some hands in the hand review forum here. Find hands you lost that weren't "AK loses to TT" (standard), find 3 bet pots, post reads, find bluffing examples, etc.
Hang in there and keep working. Weekend games are softer, but at the $1.50-3 levels that is absolutely not going to be a factor yet.

ja03ia's picture
 Looks to me like right now

 Looks to me like right now you are slightly profitable at those stakes. You were profitable after 554 tournaments at $1.5 and ran bad at the $3.5. Thats why your ROI is negative but you have a positive chips graph. I think you are on the right track.Keep trying to improve and play your best and I think you will be fine.

Iphone/IPAD app

Poker Tools - HUSNG


App Store

TheCleaner01's picture
Hey I just wanted to

Hey I just wanted to apologise for being such a wimp yesterday. And thank you all for giving feed back and help, getting me back on track. 
Its very very helpfull to be able to post here !
thanks !!!

Go forth and CRUSH !

Barrin's picture
You do overthink things way

You do overthink things way to much and it is so obv. to anyone who did read your topics.
Do yourself a favour and FOCUS on learning a solid basic strategy. NEXT learn how to adjust based on this basic strategy to other players; players that 3bet more, players that limp etc. pp.
You will improve way more quickly when you focus on ONE thing at a time.
