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viking's picture
Video pack and other content

Hello my name is søren from denmark Which video pack should i choose if I want to get better at HU hyper? I read your free e-book, and I think it was very, very good. Can you recomend other things i can do to get better at Hu hyper? best regards søren crone søgaard

RyPac13's picture
Hi Soren,Due to popular

Hi Soren,
Due to popular demand, we've built some video guides to help offer suggestions on which pack fits different levels of players.
Beginner Hyper Turbo Videos
The intermediate suggestions will be available within a few days, we're still in the process of building the other pages (in short, intermediate wise, Premium Pack, Chadders Pack and Bernardc pack are main suggestions).
Let me know if there's any other suggestions you might need, any specifics that you think might mkae a difference or any other questions.

viking's picture

thank you very much for your quick response I have some quistions.have can i find out how low a bb stack i can proffitble openshove the low ace and king hands.and what should my standard calling shove range be a different stacks.also what my 3-bets raise and calling range should be and min raising range should be with different stacks. i know that it was a lot of quistions, and i dont exspeckt you to ansvar the quistions, but it could be nice to know where to find it. I know it probably has something to do with the different Nash charts. but i dont know have to use them in my game. thanks for your time Rypacsøren

søren crone søgaard

RyPac13's picture
The answers to these

The answers to these questions are two fold.
1) Knowing how to calculate these things is best learned in the Math Pack probably, and using programs such as the genher 3bet shoving software (free) or ICMIZER (free version or pro version).
2) In order to get answers you need to know about your opponent. You don't want to play a set strategy based on stack sizes, you want to play a strategy that is best vs your specific opponent, and that changes a lot from player to player. Vs one guy it might be best to minraise 100% of hands on the button, vs another it might be best to minraise 75%, limp 25% and fold 0%. Vs another you might do 50% open raise, 35% limp, 15% fold. Mersenneary's videos in the premium pack are not bad for this, Chadders hyper turbo pack is good for some of this as well.
Nash charts are not ideal for much of anything except shoving and calling under 8bb stacks (and even then, you can do better than the Nash charts vs many players). Don't ever use Nash over 10bb for any reason, it's not useful in the least bit.

viking's picture
thank you very much RaPac13

thank you very much RaPac13 for the quick response. this will help me a lot in my game. now i just need to study it all.

søren crone søgaard