Standard Hyper Turbo Debut, Heybude, Mers, xSCWx and More
June 1 - SurikataT Guest Video $30 Hyper Turbos (standard)
June 2 - Heybude and Runittrim Part 3 Hand Review of Iftari and Sa1251 hands (premium)
June 4 - Mersenneary Super Turbos on BCP (premium)
June 5 - SGT RJ Mental Game Video (standard)
June 6 - xSCWx Super Turbos on Carbon (premium)
June 7 - TBD
A little less complete than I'd like for publishing, but the premium videos are fairly sorted so I went for it.Should see another Sa1251 soon too, just not sure which day exactly.Two new hyper coaches working on videos, both have solid edges at $100-300 levels.More Heybude in the near future as well, hearing nothing but good stuff about those videos so we'll get a few more rolling ASAP. Possibly some H2Olga SCOOP review (definitely some Barewire and JTS SCOOP review in the near future), but no promises.If there is anybody you haven't seen in awhile that you'd like to see, let me know. We've kind of adjusted to the pace of video makers (many are more comfortable with less frequency), I think that has resulted in an uptick in both quality and variety at times. Obviously exceptions apply there.We've added forum notifications recently and plan to add some other stuff on the site soon, so be on the lookout for that. Navigation is a priority in the coming months, so pages should start to flow better/look nicer/become easier to find what you want.
Would like to see h2olga playing hyper turbos and looking forward to see more hyper turbos @ 100-300$ level. Havent seen chadders0 for a while. I would like to see him multitabling hypers..
RJ's video will go up in about 12 hours. It's a full length detilter (her very popular 5 minute detilter can be found on our youtube channel or in the free videos section of our site here).
sa1251 is a boss. probably the only reason i should renew my subscription, get more videos! :D
Andddd Mers Emilio, don't be rude!By the way, xSCWx delayed probably 24 hours. Merge network has been screwed up with their recent software update, so it's been too difficult for him to record.New SA coming soon as well. Due Thursday, but haven't put it on the schedule yet. Hope to have it up by Friday night.