New Premium Series, Super and Hyper Turbo Videos, PHMERC
Tuesday, June 19th (standard) Sa1251 Lower Stakes Super Turbos
Wednesday, June 20th (standard) PHMERC Turbos (live play)
Friday, June 22nd (standard) Chadders0 High Stakes Hyper Turbos
Sunday, June 24th (premium) Big Stack, Small Stack Series Part 1 (Mers and Heybude)
Monday, June 25th (standard) PHMERC Concept Video
Cog, Coffeeyay Math in HUSNGs Part 2 and more next week, to give you a better idea of the next 10-14 days.The video that starts this schedule, Sa1251, will go up in the next 6 hours.
Any news about new hyper turbo players going to debut?
@pocaja No news from one player, the other player has reaffirmed his desire to debut and said within the month I believe.Gotta be patient, I know I'm eagerly awaiting it too, I like seeing new videos/series and videomakers just as much as you, it is why I share the news (at least informally here) as soon as I have it most of the time.
sa1251 standard vid, nice!
looks like a great week! Of course looking forward to Mers and HeyBude!
really looking forward to see chadders new video !
I like concept videos!What's the Mers' vid going to be about ? (barrelling?)
Mers and Heybude will be doing a dual video, reviewing hands both at shorter effective stacks (such as hyper and super turbo formats) and at deeper effective stacks (think early blind level turbo or regular speed).Mers usually makes end game oriented videos and Heybude early blind level videos, but they both have some solid experience in the other spectrum so it should be nice to see them collide outside of their usual formats.
xSCWx video has been pushed back, due to unforseen events. Will try to replace it, if not will just extend Tuesday+ an extra day without break.