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Knucklehead's picture
video suggestion

When I was a member of Deuces Cracked I really liked a video series that basically recorded a bunch of coaching sessions that followed the progress of an amature as the coach built him up to a solid winning player through the limits. You could record the audio of the coach and student while you go over some HH's, theory, some live sweats or a recording a the student playing and pointing out where he went wrong and him responding and asking questions.

It's good to see what I will need to go through, sticking points I may have and how to overcome them. Instead of just watching perfect play and wondering why I can't copy what looks so easy. It would also be good advertising for your coaching services.

Cheers, loving this place so far.

RyPac13's picture
Thanks for the feedback. I'm

Thanks for the feedback.
I'm going to talk to one or two specific students about this and see if they are willing to allow me to use some of their HHs for a video, and perhaps even a live sweat recording or two down the line inf the initial video(s) receive solid feedback.

FreakOfNature's picture
That would be wicked! Even

That would be wicked! Even better if you took someone with slim to no hope who username started with F! :)

PrimordialAA's picture
Maybe i'll turn my next 6

Maybe i'll turn my next 6 month coaching/staking deal into a video series :)

Knucklehead's picture
Yeah that would be great

Yeah that would be great Primo!

Pro Tip: When you use the Popopop replayer in videos, change the skin to "pokerStars simple" it's under the view tab. It makes things a bit easer to see and follow along.


XCPTNL's picture
I'd also like to see that. I

I'd also like to see that. I think mixing in educational videos every once in a while is a great deal. By "educational" I mean stuff like Primo's introduction series, RyPac's endgame introdution, the PlayItSmart-"series" and videos like that. Sessionreviews in a Handreplayer usually have the benefit of "unlimited" time to talk about the decisions that have been made or that maybe should have been made instead. The instructor has more time to talk about stuff like the range he's putting his opponent on in a specific spot and why or discussing marginal spots more extensively. Those reviews don't necessarily have to be 1 hand history but could also be a compilation of different hands (marked during gameplay) which could help the instructor as well when he is going through those hands and speaking out loud his thoughts (it might also be a great opportunity for discussions in the comments).

badboyboogie0's picture
session reviews in a hand replayer

games reviews in a hand replayer (by all coaches).
even better if two players are discussing it togheter (like a coach + a guest).

cannotletgo's picture
I'd like to see a video

I'd like to see a video about opponent profiling. I remember how Deucescracked made a series about different opponent types in NL cash HU and how to adapt to them. They had some imaginary hands and they showed how they should be played differently against different opponent types. I guess this is kind of super obvious and beginner stuff, but it'd be interesting all the same.

RyPac13's picture
Hey cannotletgo, One of our

Hey cannotletgo,
One of our instructors is working on a series of videos on this right now.  You will know when it is released, there should be an announcement on our main page.