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Weekly question: what would your non poker dream job be?

I asked several pros what would their non poker dream job be? 


Arturs "IKSecret" Kurnajevs: Taught about it and it is Psychologist

Daniel "Pl@yerABC" Sklar: I can't pinpoint one specific job. For me it's important to be my own boss, to have the freedom to choose projects that excite me and reject the boring ones.

Daniel "Pl@yerABCSklar: Just of the top of my head - writing books, programming computer games, running small business - are examples that seems to me like really interesting choices.

Sam "BlueNowhere4": Professional footballer, but I sense I am too old and untalented for that to happen

Chris "CHD17" : My dream non poker related job is becoming a fire fighter. Always a job I've wanted as a kid and teenager and I like to help people/my community when I can.

Darius "AAnythingKK": Magic: The Gathering pro :) Sadly the pay is much, much lower across the board. Best game in the world by far. It's like poker crossed with chess. The original and best trading card game. Perfect amount of variance and an almost infinite skill ceiling. Top pros can have 65%+ winrates long term against other pros. It's also constantly changing with new card releases so it never gets stale. Always something to figure out. More complex than poker too even if you play a super oversimplified version of it. Very unlikely computers can play it competently within 20 years and will be 50+ before they become as good or better than humans.
