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magnusnick's picture
What to do when you can't win an ALL IN?

I'm so sick of this lottery. I can't wait for AK/AA/KK FFS.


I played 3 fish today. Hunted for them real bad on FTP. Found one at 50$, grinded him down to 430 chips. He won all the damn ALL IN's and i was always favourite Ax vs Kx, 88 vs Q5, JJ vs 77.

Then hunted some other guy, this time at the 110$'s. He was the hugest fish ever, he kept folding his BB always so i grinded him down to 600 chips by raising ATC on the button. Then the shit happened again, i lost with AA agaist his K7 (spiked 2 K's obviously, runner runner), then i lost again with 88... he had JJ this time so yeah normal. Then lost my last one (had like 400 chips left) with 89 against 74o.....


This is driving me insane!!!!!!!!!! How the hell are you supposed to win at HUSNG's if you can't win any ALL IN? Just battle him out for his last 300 chips and fold to any of his shoves or wtf am i supposed to do here?


I tryed everything... i sent 5$ to durrr and 5$ to croixdawg to get some luck on those damn flips. Nada. Should i send them some more or what? 

cymonguk's picture

when the rain is raining
it is an absolute gutter, been there so many times, in fact I had one dipshit slate me in chat after he caught some great hands all in, gotta keep telling yourself its poker.
most poker players forget their good hands (when you catch a set or flush runner) and remember the beats, when those happen I have to jack in for an hour, otherwise I beat myself.

Radeh's picture
Dude, it was only 3

Dude, it was only 3 games...suuuuper small sample size that itsn't meaningful at all. The fact that probably tilts you the most is that those matches were against fish.
I know this sounds stupid, but try not to be results oriented. You got you're money in ahead most of the time, and if you continue to do so, you WILL win more often than you lose. But obviously you'll never have 100% EV when getting it in preflop ;)


Goats!!! MORE GOATS!!!

magnusnick's picture
Yeah, i was just thinking

Yeah, i was just thinking about that yesterday. Being to results oriented... I think i will try just to play 20 or so games per day at the same stake and just take them as they come untill i finish those 20.

croixdawg's picture
shipped the 5 back!

I blessed the 5 you sent me..so I'm pretty sure you will win your next 100 matches.  GLGL

magnusnick's picture
Great news. Wanted to play

Great news. Wanted to play on FTP but i'll do 20 on Stars instead. I'll repost here when i finish the session to see if the magic worked :D

Radeh's picture
Wait, Croix' blessing money

Wait, Croix' blessing money and makes you win 100 games!! $5 for blessed money, or renewing my husng.com membership...tough choice.


Goats!!! MORE GOATS!!!

magnusnick's picture
Going pretty rough. Won 8

Going pretty rough. Won 6 and lost 8 (one of those 6 was a 4man, 20$ so it kinda evens out). Then i play a 33$ 4man and me and the guy decide to flip for it in the first match, all in first hand. Then this happened....
EDIT: ok, won the 33$ 4man and i'll call it a night on Stars and switch to FTP. Ended by like +83$. Hope to climb out of the hole in the next 4 days (384$ to go).
Second edit: ran pretty good on FTP, won 10, lost 5 for a total profit of 184$. 274$ to get out of the hole needed :)

RyPac13's picture
Radeh, If you think Croix

If you think Croix can bless your money for $5, you'll be impressed by what I can do with $100!

Radeh's picture
Hell, if he's shipping back

Hell, if he's shipping back the blessed money, I'll ship him $1k and start playing livb :)


Goats!!! MORE GOATS!!!