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184's picture
where to start

Sup guys, just about to sign up for a paid membership and was wondering what vids to start with, like is there a set order anyone suggests? I was a 55 grinder but i had a month off cos i was in thailand (btw if any of u's havnt been... man.... go.. now! lol) but i had to withdraw 2.5k so my br is only like 1.5k now so i am gonna grind the 22 for a while and see how that goes.

Anyway look forward to watching ur vids and learning off u guys.

cheers :D :D

RyPac13's picture
Your membership was just

Your membership was just activated.
There should be a thread in the general poker forum about this very subject.  I went into detail about the different instructors and my views of what they offer to members.
I'm on my way out but I'll try to dig it up later.

184's picture

No probs, i just started with primo's beginnners and intermmediate vids then was just gonna chop and change instuctor to get different ideas.  But like I said, any other suggestion in what order to watch them is welcome. 

kronorman's picture
"i had a month off cos i was

"i had a month off cos i was in thailand (btw if any of u's havnt been... man.... go.. now! lol)"
The good looking one was a man ;)

184's picture
lol, nah the girls are not

lol, nah the girls are not too bad looking aswell ;)